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Configuring the Translation Workflow

Sitecore uses workflows to control when a content item is published. The Connector uses workflows to control the translation process for a content item.

The Connector translation package installs a sample translation workflow, which you access in the Sitecore Content Editor as an administrator by navigating to sitecore/System/Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow.  Although you use this workflow to manage translation, you can duplicate, modify, or extend it to support additional requirements.

For general information about workflows, refer to the appropriate version of the Sitecore CMS Content Author’s Reference and Cookbook. This guide is in the documentation section available at

The Connector supports translating Sitecore items that have been configured in the following ways:

  • with the Connector Sample workflow attached
  • with a custom workflow that includes the Connector configuration section and the associated workflow states, which are listed and described in Connector Workflow States
  • with a custom workflow that does not have the Connector configuration section (see the following notes)
  • without a workflow (see the following notes)

Note: You can use the Bulk Translation feature to submit all the above types of item for translation. However, if you want to send items for translation individually, the Translate button in the Workflow section of the Review tab is displayed only for Sitecore items attached to Lionbridge Sample Workflow or to another workflow whose base template is TranslationWorkflow, as described in Using Your own Workflow for Translation.

Recommendation: Use a translation workflow that includes the basic Connector translation steps, which are implemented through workflow states. This ensures that the Connector can send out your content and retrieve it from your translation provider(s). For information on Connector workflow states, see Connector Workflow States.

To configure the following settings, navigate to sitecore/System/Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow or your designated translation workflow. The settings are in the Lionbridge Translation section.

Tip: Hover over each setting for extended help text.

You use the following settings to configure a workflow and the items attached to the workflow:

Note: For instructions on attaching items to a workflow, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Sitecore User Guide.

Parameter Description Default Value
Translate From (Source Language) The source language from which to translate the items. Select a language from the list. Usually this is the Sitecore default language.
Translate To (Target Language) The target languages that are available for translating the items attached to the workflow. To translate into specific target languages, select the corresponding check boxes. n/a
Use Local TM (detect changed content and resend) Determines whether the Use Local TM feature is available when translating items attached to this workflow. This feature checks each field of the source version for any content changes, and it sends only changed content fields out for translation, to ensure that all target versions reflect these changes.

* When this check box is selected, you can activate this feature by selecting a check box in either the **Bulk Translation** wizard or the **Automatic Item Export for Translation** dialog box. The **Use Local TM** feature may reduce translation costs, but it needs the Connector translation backup data, and it increases the Connector processing time before the Connector sends out the items for translation.
* When this check box is cleared, you cannot activate this feature, because the related user interface is not displayed. The Connector sends all specified source content for translation, even if it has not changed since it was previously sent for translation.
check box is cleared
Requested Translation Timeframe (Days) Determines the translation deadline when sending out the translation automatically, without using the user interface that supports entering this information in the Delivery Date field. This information is sent to the translation provider as metadata of the translation package. If you set this parameter to 14, the deadline will be two calendar weeks after you submit an item for translation.

Recommendation: Discuss whether to use this feature with your translation provider(s).
Workflow State to set when Sending Content for Translation The workflow state to set when a source item has been selected for translation. /sitecore/system/
Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow/
Sending for Translation
Workflow State to set (for Source Content) once content has been sent for translation The workflow state to set for a source item after the Connector has sent it out for translation. For example, in some companies, when you send out the content for translation, the source is ready for publishing. In this scenario, you can set this state to Done, which is a publishable state. Alternatively, if your company has a final review process, you can set this to another state that is not publishable. By default, this state is not set, so the source item’s state does not change when you send it out for translation.
Workflow State to set for Content while it is out for translation The workflow state to set for target content when an item is being translated. The default In Translation workflow state enables you to see which items are still out for translation. It facilitates following up with your translator about items that you have sent out for translation, but that you have not yet received back. /sitecore/system/
Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow/In Translation
Workflow State to set when a translation has been cancelled The workflow state to set when an item’s translation request has been cancelled.

A user can cancel translation from the Translation Queue. A translation request is automatically cancelled if a fatal error occurs while sending out an item for translation, such as an incorrect language code, or insufficient user permissions.
Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow/
Workflow State to set for target items when no translation is required The workflow state to set for all items that do not require translation. This is useful in when using the following features:

* **Copy source to target only**
* **Use local TM**

**Tip:** Set this state to Done, and select the **Automatically Publish content when it reaches the Final State** check box, described below.
field is blank
Workflow State to set when content Translation is complete The workflow state to set when an item translation has been completed, and it is back in Sitecore for review and publishing. /sitecore/system/
Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow/
Editing Translated Version
Send Content automatically using pre-configured language settings Enables sending all items to the Translation Queue without further user action. That is, the Connector automatically uses the Translate from, Translate to and Requested Translation Timeframe information, defined above, to immediately send content to the Translation Queue without enabling the user to change these parameters: the Language Selection pop-up window does not open.

* If this check box is selected, the **Language Selection** pop-up window does not open when you send content to the Translation Queue: you cannot select the target languages or the destination, but sending items for translation is streamlined.
* If this check box is cleared, the Language Selection pop-up window opens when you send content out for translation: you can select the target languages, so the process is less streamlined. However, this provides greater control for the user.
check box is cleared
Automatically Publish content when it reaches the Final State Determines whether the Connector automatically publishes the content when an item reaches the final state of the translation workflow.

* If this check box is selected, the Connector automatically publishes the content when an item reaches the final state.
* If this check box is cleared, the Connector does not automatically publish the content when an item reaches the final state.
check box is cleared
Publish to which Database? The target databases for publishing content if the Connector needs to publish an item. n/a
Publish child items? Determines whether the Connector publishes child items when it publishes their parent item.

* If this check box is selected, the Connector publishes child items when it publishes their parent item.
* If this check box is cleared, the Connector does not publish child items when it publishes their parent item.
check box is selected
Keep final state for source items? Determines whether the workflow state of the source item changes during the translation process if it was in a final workflow state before that process started. When you translate published source items into other language versions, this setting prevents Sitecore from unpublishing those source items. check box is selected

For a list and description of Connector workflow states, see Connector Workflow States, below.

1 - Connector Workflow States

The sitecore/System/Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow workflow contains all required states for the Connector translation management process.

By default, it has the following seven states, which are listed, in order, below. Your company can modify this translation workflow to meet your business requirements. Your company can also create your own translation workflow, removing some of these states or adding additional states as required.

Workflow State Relevant for Source Content Relevant for Target Content
Editing ü
Reviewing ü
Sending for Translation ü
In Translation ü
Editing Translated Version ü
Reviewing Translated Version ü
Done ü ü

Note: Only content in the Done state is publishable.

Source content

A source content item can move through the workflow in several different ways, depending on the configuration, which depends on your company’s translation processes:

Example 1

Editing > Reviewing > Sending for Translation > Done

Example 2

Editing > Reviewing > Sending for Translation > Reviewing > Done

Target content

Similarly, a target content item can move through the workflow in several different ways, depending on the configuration, which depends on your company’s translation processes:


In Translation > Editing Translated Version > Reviewing Translated Version > Done

Note: When the state of a target content item is In Translation, that content is a copy of the source language item. Users can use the In Translation and Editing Translated Version workflow states to keep track of which translations have returned and which are still pending.

2 - Using your own Workflow for Translation

The sample translation workflow, sitecore/System/Workflows/Lionbridge Sample Workflow contains all the fields that the Connector requires. It contains both translation settings and some information about states and how the workflow proceeds between states. For a detailed description of these fields, see Connector Workflow States.

There is a hierarchy of templates in Sitecore:

The sample translation workflow is actually a template for the workflow provided in the Connector. It links to its parent template in the Quick info section:

The parent of this is the /sitecore/templates/System/Workflow/TranslationWorkflow base template. If you click the link and navigate to that template, you can see its base templates:

  • Standard template – This is a standard Sitecore template.

  • Lionbridge Workflow Config – This is the Connector’s top-level workflow template. It is at the top of the hierarchy.

3 - Modifying Controls in a Workflow

The Templates/Lionbridge Settings/Lionbridge Workflow Config/ Workflow Config template defines the controls in the Lionbridge Sample Workflow workflow.

For example:

  • The Translate from leaf in the tree represents the control for defining source languages for translation.
  • The Type field represents the type of user-interface control used to specify the source languages.
  • The Source field defines the location where the Connector retrieves source languages in Sitecore.

View screen capture.

There are multiple ways to modify controls in a workflow:

  • You can modify the Templates/Lionbridge Settings/Lionbridge Workflow Config template.
  • You can copy the values from the Templates/Lionbridge Settings/Lionbridge Workflow Config template into your own template.

There are many ways to implement modifications:

  • You can remove a control. For example, if you decide you do not need a particular field, you can remove it from Lionbridge Workflow Config, using the Builder tab. (The Content tab is the default tab.)
  • You can modify a control. For example, if you want to change a control, make a copy of the Templates/Lionbridge Settings/Lionbridge Workflow Config template, and then make the modifications you want.
  • You can modify your own workflow by selecting Insert > Insert from template in the context menu, selecting the Templates/Lionbridge Settings/Lionbridge Workflow Config template, and then selecting a control.

4 - Modifying States in a Workflow

You can modify the states in a workflow and the linkages between states, which determines the workflow.

Warning: Do not modify the values in the Data section, Type string field of states in Lionbridge Sample Workflow or in states that originate from there. Otherwise, the Connector will not work property. The values in that field are Content API Platform classes that call the Connector functionality.

You can add or remove states from the template, or modify how the linkages between states, such as which state follows another state. There are two recommended ways to do this:

  • Modify states in Lionbridge Sample Workflow: In the Lionbridge Sample Workflow folder, right-click and select Insert > Insert from template in the context menu. Navigate to the Workflow/State template. All the states are based on this template. Then, after you create the state within the workflow, you create an action. For example:
  • To specify the next state, in the Data section, select the next state in the Next state dropdown list.
  • To specify the final state, in the Data section, select the Final check box. By default, the final state is the Publish state.

Tip: First create all the states and then link them, as described above.

  • Copy a state to a new workflow: You can create a new state based on an existing state. To do this, select the state you want to want to copy. Right-click and select Copying > Copy To in the context menu. Then select the workflow where you want to copy this state, and click Copy. The copied state has the same settings as the original state.

For more information, refer to the Sitecore CMS Workflow Cookbook. This guide is available in the documentation section available at

Note: Your custom workflow must include the required translation statuses.

5 - Changing the Base Template of Your Workflow

To change the base template of your workflow, so that you can use it with the Connector to manage translations:

  1. In the content tree, select your workflow that you want to use as a translation workflow. For example, select sitecore\System\Workflow\MyWorkflow.

  2. In the ribbon, click the Configure tab.

  3. In the Template section of the Configure tab, click Change.

  4. In the Select the Template page of the wizard, navigate to Templates\System\Workflow\TranslationWorkflow, and click Next.

  1. In the Change page of the wizard, click Next to confirm this change.

  2. Click Finish.