Setting Up a Microsoft SQL Server-Based Translation Database

This section describes how to set up a Microsoft SQL Server database to use with the Connector. For information on database size requirements, see Translation Database Size Requirements.

  1. Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to create an empty database. For detailed instructions, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Recommendation: Name the new database CT3Translation.

Note: Set your default database collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

  1. Configure the Connector database connection string. The Website_root/App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file defines the database connections.

Important: The database part of the connection string must match the database name you created in the previous step.

Typically, it should be:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>


<add name=“core” connectionString=“user id=xxx;password=xxxt;Data Source=xxx;Database=XXX_Core”/>

<add name=“master” connectionString=“user id=xxx;password=xxxt;Data Source=xxxx;Database=XXX_Master”/>

<add name=“web” connectionString=“user id=xx;password=xxx;Data Source=xxx;Database=XXX_Web”/>


You must add one more connection string called CT3Translation for the Connector database. This is the name of the database from above:

<add name=“CT3Translation” connectionString=“user id=xxx;password=xxx;Data Source=xxx;Database= CT3Translation “/>

Note: Do not use any name other than CT3Translation for the connection string.

The User ID, password, and Data Source values are usually the same as those used for the other connection strings.

Note: The user specified in the connection string must have permission to modify the table structure in the database. This user must have permission to run ALTER TABLE statements.