Translation Memory Update File

In the following example, a user corrected the translation and it must be sent back to the translation provider to update the remote translation memory (TM):

<UpdateTMContent CT2SourceLanguageCode=“en-US” CT2TargetLanguageCode=“da-DK” SitecoreSourceLanguageCode=“en” SitecoreTargetLanguageCode=“da-DK”>



<SourceContent>Smartphone traffic is up 193% in a year</SourceContent>

<TargetContent>Smartphone trafik er op 193% på et år</TargetContent>




<p>Smartphone traffic is up. Feature phone share is down. And traffic from mobile Internet devices (like the iPod touch) that don’t have built-in phones is booming — even before Apple releases the iPad.</p>

<p>That’s the thrust of the the latest report by AdMob, the mobile advertising network snapped up last fall by Google (<a href=“" rel=“external”>GOOG</a>) before Apple (<a href=“" rel=“external”>AAPL</a>) could buy it.</p></SourceContent>

<TargetContent><p> Smartphone trafik er op. Feature telefon andel er nede. Og trafik fra det mobile internet-enheder (ligesom iPod touch), der ikke har indbygget telefoner boomer - selv før Apple frigiver IPAD. </p><p> Det er essensen af den seneste rapport fra admob, det mobile annoncenetværk snapped op sidste efterår af Google ( <a href=“" rel=“external”>GOOG</a> ) før Apple ( <a href=“" rel=“external”>AAPL</a> ) kunne købe det. </p></TargetContent>


