1 - XML Translation File – New Translation

The following is an example of new content that the Connector sends for translation:

<TranslationContent CT2ProjectId=“5ab2e78e-e427-4b89-9629-562c13584d94” CT2AssetId=“9250c3ee-da56-47d8-880e-2514052d7a58” CT2SourceLanguageCode=“en-US” CT2TargetLanguageCode=“fr-FR” SitecoreSourceLanguageCode=“en” SitecoreTargetLanguageCode=“fr-FR”>

<SitecoreItem DatabaseName=“master” ItemId="{E6F3AA2D-3E5B-47A5-8B4A-1EA603C9A3FA}" ItemSourceVersion=“1” ItemTargetVersion=“1” TranslationDeadline="">

<FieldContent FieldName=“Title”>Demo content to translate</FieldContent>

<FieldContent FieldName=“Body”>

<p>This is content that google will try to translate</p>




2 - HTML Translation File – New Translation with Metadata in Comments

The following is an example of new content that the Connector sends for translation, with metadata in the comments:

<!–CT2Translation:[From:en-US To:fr-FR]–>



Title of demo2



<p> Body of demo2 </p>


3 - XML Translation File – Correction Requested

The following is an example of a request to correct the translation:

<TranslationCorrectionContent CT2ProjectId=“3149ca06-64f8-4e07-afb1-57a7c3539670” CT2AssetId=“08a44fe1-a650-4dc7-bca5-c63e6cd0a4f7” CT2SourceLanguageCode=“en-US” CT2TargetLanguageCode=“el-GR” SitecoreSourceLanguageCode=“en” SitecoreTargetLanguageCode=“el-GR” DatabaseName=“master” ItemId="{6C95A5D0-30D1-4329-95BD-E9C8FF71FD07}" ItemSourceVersion=“1” ItemTargetVersion=“4”>




<ItemField FieldName=“Title”>

<SourceContent>Smartphone traffic is up 193% in a year</SourceContent>

<TargetContent>Smartphone κίνηση είναι επάνω 193% σε ένα χρόνο</TargetContent>




4 - HTML Translation File – Correction Requested with Metadata in Comments

The following is an example of a request to correct the translation with metadata in the comments:

<!–CT2TranslationCorrection:[From:en-US To:de-DE]–>




The translation of the title needs correction



<!–Source Content::Begin–>

Smartphone traffic is up 193% in a year

<!–Source Content::End–>

<!–Translated Content::Begin–>

Smartphone-Verkehr ist bis 193% in einem Jahr

<!–Translated Content::End–>


5 - Translation Memory Update File

In the following example, a user corrected the translation and it must be sent back to the translation provider to update the remote translation memory (TM):

<UpdateTMContent CT2SourceLanguageCode=“en-US” CT2TargetLanguageCode=“da-DK” SitecoreSourceLanguageCode=“en” SitecoreTargetLanguageCode=“da-DK”>



<SourceContent>Smartphone traffic is up 193% in a year</SourceContent>

<TargetContent>Smartphone trafik er op 193% på et år</TargetContent>




<p>Smartphone traffic is up. Feature phone share is down. And traffic from mobile Internet devices (like the iPod touch) that don’t have built-in phones is booming — even before Apple releases the iPad.</p>

<p>That’s the thrust of the the latest report by AdMob, the mobile advertising network snapped up last fall by Google (<a href=“http://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=GOOG" rel=“external”>GOOG</a>) before Apple (<a href=“http://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=AAPL" rel=“external”>AAPL</a>) could buy it.</p></SourceContent>

<TargetContent><p> Smartphone trafik er op. Feature telefon andel er nede. Og trafik fra det mobile internet-enheder (ligesom iPod touch), der ikke har indbygget telefoner boomer - selv før Apple frigiver IPAD. </p><p> Det er essensen af den seneste rapport fra admob, det mobile annoncenetværk snapped op sidste efterår af Google ( <a href=“http://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=GOOG" rel=“external”>GOOG</a> ) før Apple ( <a href=“http://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=AAPL" rel=“external”>AAPL</a> ) kunne købe det. </p></TargetContent>


