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Monitoring Translation Status

After you send out a job for translation, you can monitor its progress in the Translation Jobs page.

To monitor translation status:
  1. Do one of the following:
  • In Hybris:
  1. In your Web browser, navigate to /backoffice/ on your Hybris instance.
  2. Log in to the Hybris Backoffice.
  3. In the Administration menu, select Translation Jobs.
  • In SAP Commerce or SAP Commerce Cloud:
  1. In your Web browser, navigate to /backoffice/ on your SAP Commerce instance or on SAP Commerce Cloud.
  2. Log in to SAP Commerce or SAP Commerce Cloud.
  3. In the Administration Cockpit menu, select Translation Jobs.

The Translation Jobs page opens.

This page displays the following information about each translation job:

Column Description
Job Name The name of this translation job. To view detailed information about the items in the job, click the link. If an error has occurred affecting the entire job, a red error icon is displayed in front of the job name. You can see the detailed error message by clicking on the icon.
Tracking ID Tracking Id for the job, when you need to contact Lionbridge for support wrt to certain job, this tracking id will help Lionbridge quickly and accurately identify the job in question.
LSP The translation provider to whom the Lionbridge Content API Platform sends the translation job.
Translation Status The translation status of the job. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.

Note: If the Enable multiple deliveries setting is configured, then the Reviewing Translation status is displayed after translated content is received. If the translated content is not satisfactory, it can be re-delivered and re-imported into Hybris or SAP Commerce. You can click Approve to accept the translated content, which changes the job’s status to Completed and prevents any future re-deliveries. For more information about the Enable multiple deliveries setting, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for SAP Commerce Installation and Configuration Guide.

Submitted On The job submission date, in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Last Update The date the job was last updated, in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
  1. Optional. Click a column heading to sort by a column or to reverse the sort order of a sorted column.

Tip: If you click the Translation Status column header to sort by this column, the jobs are sorted by percentage completed.

The list header and footer display the total number of items, and the total number of items displayed on this sub-page. If there are more than 25 items, they are displayed in multiple sub-pages.

  • The left sides of the header and footer display the total number of sub-pages in the list. To navigate to a different sub-page, enter the sub-page number or click an arrow.
  • The right sides of the header and footer display the total number of items displayed on the current sub-page of the list and the total number of items in the list.
  1. Optional. Click Refresh in the top-right corner of the list to update the items in the list.

  2. Optional. In the top-right corner of the page, search for the jobs whose translation status you want to view. You can search by any of the following criteria:

  • Find Name: Enter the job name.
  • Status: Select the translation status. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.
  • From Date and To: Specify the range of job-creation dates in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY, or click the calendar icon to select the dates.

Click Search.

Tip: To clear your search filters, click **Clear Filteviewing_archived_jobsviewing_archived_jobs

  1. Optional. To view detailed information about the items in the job, click the link in the Job Name column.

For details, see Viewing Job Details.

Note: This action highlights this job and selects the corresponding check box.

  1. Optional. If this job has Reviewing translation status, you can click Approve to accept the translated content, which changes the job’s status to Completed and prevents any future re-deliveries.
  2. Optional. If this job has either Reviewing translation or Completed (nothing to translate) status, you can archive it by clicking the Archive this job link. You can view an archived job in the Archived Jobs page. For details, see Viewing Archived Jobs.

Warning: Archiving active jobs is not recommended. If you archive an active job, it will no longer be displayed on the Translation Jobs page. Archiving a job also archives the assets in that job: If you archive content while it is being translated, then the Connector will not return the completed translation to you.

  1. Optional. To view all archived jobs, click the Archived Jobs link at the bottom of the page. For details, see Viewing Archived Jobs.

1 - Translation Statuses

After you send out localized attributes of business objects for translation, they are referred to as content items. The Connector sends out one or more content items for translation as a single translation job. Both content items and translation jobs can have the following translation statuses:

Translation Status Description
Created The Connector created the job for sending out the item to the translation provider.
Pending The Connector is preparing to send out the item to the translation provider.
Sending The Connector is sending out the item to the translation provider.
In translation The translation provider has received the item for translation and has not yet returned the translated item.
Reviewing Translation The Connector has received the translated item back from the translation provider and imported it into Hybris.

Note: This is an intermediate state. If a job is stuck in this state, then an error may have occurred when the Connector imported the translation.
Completed The Connector has returned the translated item to Hybris or Commerce Cloud. You view translated content items in the interfaces where those content items are displayed. For detailed instructions, see Viewing Translated Content.

2 - Viewing Job Details

You view job details in the Job Details page. To open this page, in the Translation Jobs page, click the link in the Job Name column. For details, see Monitoring Translation Status

Note: You can also view the details of an archived job by clicking the link in the Job Name column in the Archived Jobs page. For details, see Viewing Archived Jobs.

The area at the top of the page displays the following read-only information about the job:

Field Description
Job ID The Connector’s unique identifier for the job and tracking id of the job in bracket.
Job Name Your name for this translation job.
Submitted On The date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, when the job was submitted for translation.
Created By The name of the user who submitted this job for translation.
Notes to Translator Any special instructions or requests for the translation provider.
Special Instructions Any special instructions or requests.

Note: Displayed only when the Lionbridge Freeway translation provider is selected in the Translation provider field, below.
Last Update The date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, when the job was last updated.
PO Number The purchase order reference number for this translation job.
Job Status The translation status. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.
Translation provider The translation provider for this job.

The list header and footer display the total number of assets in the job, and the total number of assets displayed on this sub-page. If there are more than 8 assets, they are displayed in multiple sub-pages.

  • The left sides of the header and footer display the total number of sub-pages in the list. To navigate to a different sub-page, enter the sub-page number or click an arrow.
  • The right sides of the header and footer display the total number of assets displayed on the current sub-page of the list and the total number of items in the list.

This page displays the following information about each asset in the job:

Column Description
Asset ID The Connector’s unique identifier for the item sent for translation, which includes information about the item, the target language, and the source language. If an error has occurred affecting the asset, a red error icon is displayed in front of the asset id. You can see the detailed error message by clicking on the icon.
Asset Name * For a Product or a Product descendant type, this is: Product (article code)_name_PK #.
* For a Category, this is: Category (article code) .
* For a website page, this is the page name.
Source The source language of the item.
Target The target language of the item.
Status The translation status. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.
Last Update The time and date when the status was last updated, in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Asset Reference The translation provider’s reference for the asset.
  • To return to the previous page, click the Return to list link or arrow at the top-left corner of the page.
  • To archive this job, click the Archive this job link in the top-right corner of the page.

3 - Viewing Archived Jobs

You can view archived jobs in the Archived Jobs page.

To view archived jobs:
  1. In the Translation Jobs page, click the Archived Jobs link at the bottom of the page. For instructions on opening that page, see Monitoring Translation Status.

  2. The Archived Jobs page opens.

This page displays the following information about each archived translation job:

Column Description
Job Name The name of this translation job. To view detailed information about the items in the job, click the link.
LSP The translation provider to whom the Lionbridge Content API Platform sends the translation job.
Translation Status The translation status of the job. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.
Submitted On The job submission date, in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Last Update The date the job was last updated, in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Errors If an error has occurred, it is displayed here.

By default, the items are sorted chronologically by submission date.

The list header and footer display the total number of items, and the total number of items displayed on this sub-page. If there are more than 25 items, they are displayed in multiple sub-pages.

  • The left sides of the header and footer display the total number of sub-pages in the list. To navigate to a different sub-page, enter the sub-page number or click an arrow.
  • The right sides of the header and footer display the total number of items displayed on the current sub-page of the list and the total number of items in the list.
  1. Optional. In the top-right corner of the page, search for the jobs whose translation status you want to view. You can search by any of the following criteria:
  • Find Name: Enter the job name.
  • Status: Select the translation status. For a list and description of translation statuses, see Translation Statuses.
  • From Date and To: Specify the range of job-creation dates in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY

Click Search.

Tip: To clear your search filters, click Clear Filter.

  1. Optional. To view detailed information about the items in the job, click the link in the Job Name column. For details, see Viewing Job Details.

  2. To return to the Translation Jobs page, click the Return to list link or arrow at the top-left corner of the page.