Connector for Optimizely Release Notes

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Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
196157 Display Settings - Fixed issue where the display settings not being retained inside ContentArea.
196158 Media Content - Fixed the issue where Media Content from Source content was not copied to Target content. Setting is now configurable.
Default settings:
  • Copy image & video content.
  • Do not copy other files (PDF, Docx, Excel).
197345 CMS Project - Fixed the issue where Import fails when CMS Project feature is used.
197345 Media Blocks - Fixed the issue where empty media blocks in target languages cause Import to fail.
  • For special field (Card Blocks, Image, Media Block, Int), if translation is not required, it will be not sent for translation.
  • If it is sent for translation, the XML file will default to sending Translate = "False".
Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
192903 Translation job delivery rejected - Fixed the issue so that the job delivery is completed after upgrading from
193279 Added an option to prevent the selection of Geta Category - Fixed the issue so that these Categories (tags) are not being translated.
193918 "Include blocks" incorrectly behaves as "Include nested pages & blocks" - Fixed the bug in the Connector where nested pages level 2 or higher are getting unexpectedly included when "Include Blocks" option is selected.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
180444 Caching between releases - Fixed caching issue causing errors after an upgrade of the connector was performed.
180445 Blocks in exported xml file - Fixed the issue where Blocks were grouped together in the structure of the Exported xml file rather than under the Page they were included in.
178833 Single Link Items field - Fixed the issue where Single Link Items were not getting translated.
184531 Conflict with Geta tag - Fixed the issue where the connector failed to install correctly due to conflict with Geta tag.
182165 Log fix - Fixed issue where no logging when payload was wrong.
181032 ContentArea in local Block - Fixed the issue where jobs could not be created for ContentArea type inside Local Block (such as image Block)
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
166073 Submit for Translation - Users now have the option to submit Jobs directly from the job details page when creating Jobs rather than navigating to the Dashboard.
171769 Copy Source to Target - Feature added to create Target content copied directly from existing content of another language directly in the Connector without the need to submit it out for translation. (Useful for handling language variants)
169202 Asset Log enhancement - Improved layout with better filtering and sorting options in the Asset Log view.
170647 Support for Inline Blocks - The Connector now supports the translation of Inline Blocks in ContentArea
170585 Connector side gadget Sorting - Jobs listed in the Connector side gadget view can now be sorted on the following attributes:
  • Date
  • Name
  • Status
170599 Archived Jobs in side gadget view - Jobs that are Archived in the Dashboard will now no longer show in the Connector side gadget view. Jobs will be visible again if the Job is UnArchived
177296 Language Cloud - Freeway has been rebranded as Language Cloud in the Dashboard UI to reflect the new naming within Lionbridge.
169869 Shortcut setting retained - The Connector will retain the contents Shortcut value in the Settings tab when Importing target version
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
169232 Side gadget waiting - Fixed an issue where the Connector side gadget would be in a waiting state while the large Jobs are submitted.
169957 Dropdown links - Page & Block back end settings drop-down lists will now be marked as not translatable in the exported XML file.
(Note: This does not yet include properties inside of List Properties (List))
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
165136 ListProperty - The Connector now supports content Type ListProperty:
  • ListCustomData
  • ListPageOrBlock
  • ListGroupField
  • ListXhtmlString
  • CardListItem
164085 Provider Name & Selection - Provider Setting section has been added to the Connector settings that allows:
  • Giving providers a "human-friendly" name to appear in the Providers dropdown.
  • Assigning a default provider to appear in the Providers dropdown.
  • Control what providers appear in the Providers dropdown for submitters to choose from.
163975 Copy files in ContentArea from the source language to target languages when importing - Previously, the connector would copy files in ContentArea (like pdf assets not sent to translation) from the source to target upon Import. The default behavior is now not to copy the ContentArea source file to the new language page.
A checkbox is available to configure to copy these files to the new language pages (all languages can share English documents).
164891 Asset Logs access from the Dashboard - It is now possible to access the Asset Logs for a specific job directly from the Connector Dashboard by selecting the View log button. Users can still access the logs from the Connector Settings drop down as before.
160507 Connector Dashboard layout enhancement - The Connector Dashboard has been improved to compact the layout and a horizontal scrollbar added.
164223 Optimization of server requests when selecting content - The Connector now makes fewer server requests when users are selecting the contents for translation from the content tree. This optimization will mean fewer resources used in the CMS.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
163130 Newtonsoft.json - Fixed issue where the Dashboard failed to load when using Newtonsoft.json
163518 Dashboard links - Fixed an issue where the Dashboard asset links were appearing duplicated.
164242 Content selection Save button - Fixed the issue where the content selection save button could be selected before all nested content was added in large jobs.
166935 Asset Log page fail to load - Fixed the issue where Asset Logs failed to load in cases where Geta Category was not installed.
167078 System.Web.Http - Removed the dependency on having System.Web.Http installed.
168277 LinkItemCollection Property - Fixed the issue where LinkItemCollection content type was not Importing.
169125 Recycle Bin content - Fixed the issue where content in the Recycle bin was recognized as nested content.
163519 Content tree misaligned - Fixed content tree misalignment in the Connector content selection view.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
151043 Auto Import - The Connector now supports an optional feature where deliveries can be Imported automatically when received.
151505 Page Name & Name in URL - Properties now able to be configured for translation or not at submission.
155386 Handling Rejected Deliveries - If the delivered file is malformed or invalid xml format then the Connector will report as follows:
  • An error icon in the Connector Dashboard with summary detail.
  • An error reported in the Asset Logs with full details.
  • A Rejected Delivery status message feeds back to Lionbridge Connector platform via API.
151044 Geta Category - Support has been added for translation of Geta Category plugin categories.
161195 Asset Log Enhancement - Asset logs now:
  • Grouped Asset Logs per language per job.
  • Separate tabbed clear view for Sent Content, Imported Content & Published Content with details of what content processed successfully or failed.
  • Filterable on Language, Error Type & Status.
154250 Publish Option - The Publish option can now be set/updated at anytime before the job is Published rather than at submission. The default value is now set at "Publish if source is not Published"
156536 Deleted CMS content - The Translation job can still be Imported & Published if some CMS content is deleted while job is in translation.
156522 Translation Job settings - The following Job settings have been moved to the Settings tab to make the UI cleaner.
  • CMS Project
  • Auto Import
  • Scheduled publish date
  • Scheduled publish
  • Job Id
  • Translation services status
  • Log
164400 Ignore Errors at Import - An optional feature to allow the connector to ignore errors when Importing to allow the Publishing of imported assets.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
159976 XhtmlString - Fixed issue where XhtmlString type were failing to Import.
154251 Publish Option - Fixed the Publish Option to allow assets to be set to "Publish if source is not Published"
156412 Import status message duplicated - Fixed issue where Approved messaged sent via API for all languages instead of for the Import language only.
155387 Unmapped Languages - Fixed issue where languages not mapped in connector setting could not be Import.
154293 Import failed status - If the Import fails a Rejected message is sent via API to Lionbridge logs and details show in the Connector Asset Logs.
151509 Unrecognised Deliveries - The Connector will not process status messages or deliveries for Jobs that it does not recognise or did not initiate.
151501 Compatibility update - The Connector is now compatible with Optimizely versions 11.13 & 11.14.2.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
149362 Scheduled Publishing enhancement - The Connector now supports Scheduled Publishing at a language level in addition to at a Job level:
  • When any language is Imported - Publishing can be scheduled as each language is Imported.
  • When all language are Imported - Publishing can be scheduled when the final language in a Job is Imported.
149250 Support for Quote feature - Users can now mark jobs with Quote Required selected at submission.
  • This tag passes through the API into Lionbridge Language Cloud workflows to process accordingly.
145850 Content Selection option enhancement - The Connector now supports more options selecting Pages & Blocks for translation:
In Page view dropdown:
  • Include nested pages and blocks - If you select a Page, then all Nested pages and blocks will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Include blocks - If you select a Page, then included blocks on that page will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Exclude nested pages and blocks - If you select a Page, then only the selected page is included.
In Block view check box:
  • Include nested pages and blocks checked - If you select a Block , then all Nested pages and blocks will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Include nested pages and blocks un-checked - If you select a Block , then only that block is included.
145853 Enhanced DXP logging - Connector log messages on DXP are now tagged with 'Lionbridge Information'
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
145852 Payload optimization - unrequired information removed from exported xml files.
147353 Fixed inconsistent timestamps in the Asset Log view reports.
147881 Fixed the requirement to manually copy the LionbridgeConnector folder outside the bin folder for local debugging installations.
149371 Metadata 'Client' values passed via 'extendedMetadata' in Lionbridge Content API.
147210 Fixed DataTables errors in Dashboard & Asset Log view when clients systems return Uppercase json data instead of the expected camelCase.
146906 Fixed issue with the following property definition types when migrating from Optimizely CM11 to Optimizely CMS12:
  • Analysis Code List
  • Project Configuration
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
140438 New - Ability to clone content from another job from the Dashboard.
140440 New - Scheduled Publishing of a Job is now supported.
140442 New - Support for Optimizely Projects added.
140441 New - Ability to multi-select Archive or Remove Jobs from the Dashboard.
140443 New - Connector shows unique Asset ID when selecting content.
84232 New - Job ID now displays on the Dashboard.
140439 New - Configuration to make Job naming mandatory.
67785 New - Property Page Type added to the exported file.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
137260 Fixed - CMS 12 Connector deployment to DXP when not using Visual Studio now supported.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
196157 Display Settings - Fixed issue where the display settings not being retained inside ContentArea.
196158 Media Content - Fixed the issue where Media Content from Source content was not copied to Target content. Setting is now configurable.
Default settings:
  • Copy image & video content.
  • Do not copy other files (PDF, Docx, Excel).
197345 CMS Project - Fixed the issue where Import fails when CMS Project feature is used.
197345 Media Blocks - Fixed the issue where empty media blocks in target languages cause Import to fail.
  • For special field (Card Blocks, Image, Media Block, Int), if translation is not required, it will be not sent for translation.
  • If it is sent for translation, the XML file will default to sending Translate = "False".
Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
192903 Translation job delivery rejected - Fixed the issue so that the job delivery is completed after upgrading from
193279 Added an option to prevent the selection of Geta Category - Fixed the issue so that these Categories (tags) are not being translated.
193918 "Include blocks" incorrectly behaves as "Include nested pages & blocks" - Fixed the bug in the Connector where nested pages level 2 or higher are getting unexpectedly included when "Include Blocks" option is selected.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Feature ID Description
180444 Caching between releases - Fixed caching issue causing errors after an upgrade of the connector was performed.
180445 Blocks in exported xml file - Fixed the issue where Blocks were grouped together in the structure of the Exported xml file rather than under the Page they were included in.
184531 Conflict with Geta tag - Fixed the issue where the connector failed to install correctly due to conflict with Geta tag.
182165 Log fix - Fixed issue where no logging when payload was wrong.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
166073 Submit for Translation - Users now have the option to submit Jobs directly from the job details page when creating Jobs rather than navigating to the Dashboard.
171769 Copy Source to Target - Feature added to create Target content copied directly from existing content of another language directly in the Connector without the need to submit it out for translation. (Useful for handling language variants)
169202 Asset Log enhancement - Improved layout with better filtering and sorting options in the Asset Log view.
170585 Connector side gadget Sorting - Jobs listed in the Connector side gadget view can now be sorted on the following attributes:
  • Date
  • Name
  • Status
170599 Archived Jobs in side gadget view - Jobs that are Archived in the Dashboard will now no longer show in the Connector side gadget view. Jobs will be visible again if the Job is UnArchived
177296 Language Cloud - Freeway has been rebranded as Language Cloud in the Dashboard UI to reflect the new naming within Lionbridge.
169869 Shortcut setting retained - The Connector will retain the contents Shortcut value in the Settings tab when Importing target version
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
169232 Side gadget waiting - Fixed an issue where the Connector side gadget would be in a waiting state while the large Jobs are submitted.
169957 Dropdown links - Page & Block back end settings drop-down lists will now be marked as not translatable in the exported XML file.
(Note: This does not yet include properties inside of List Properties (List))
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
164085 Provider Name & Selection - Provider Setting section has been added to the Connector settings that allows:
  • Giving providers a "human-friendly" name to appear in the Providers dropdown.
  • Assigning a default provider to appear in the Providers dropdown.
  • Control what providers appear in the Providers dropdown for submitters to choose from.
163975 Copy files in ContentArea from the source language to target languages when importing - Previously, the connector would copy files in ContentArea (like pdf assets not sent to translation) from the source to target upon Import. The default behavior is now not to copy the ContentArea source file to the new language page.
A checkbox is available to configure to copy these files to the new language pages (all languages can share English documents).
164891 Asset Logs access from the Dashboard - It is now possible to access the Asset Logs for a specific job directly from the Connector Dashboard by selecting the View log button. Users can still access the logs from the Connector Settings drop down as before.
160507 Connector Dashboard layout enhancement - The Connector Dashboard has been improved to compact the layout and a horizontal scrollbar added.
164223 Optimization of server requests when selecting content - The Connector now makes fewer server requests when users are selecting the contents for translation from the content tree. This optimization will mean fewer resources used in the CMS.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
163130 Newtonsoft.json - Fixed issue where the Dashboard failed to load when using Newtonsoft.json
163518 Dashboard links - Fixed an issue where the Dashboard asset links were appearing duplicated.
164242 Content selection Save button - Fixed the issue where the content selection save button could be selected before all nested content was added in large jobs.
166935 Asset Log page fail to load - Fixed the issue where Asset Logs failed to load in cases where Geta Category was not installed.
167078 System.Web.Http - Removed the dependency on having System.Web.Http installed.
168277 LinkItemCollection Property - Fixed the issue where LinkItemCollection content type was not Importing.
169125 Recycle Bin content - Fixed the issue where content in the Recycle bin was recognized as nested content.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
151043 Auto Import - The Connector now supports an optional feature where deliveries can be Imported automatically when received.
151505 Page Name & Name in URL - Properties now able to be configured for translation or not at submission.
155386 Handling Rejected Deliveries - If the delivered file is malformed or invalid xml format then the Connector will report as follows:
  • An error icon in the Connector Dashboard with summary detail.
  • An error reported in the Asset Logs with full details.
  • A Rejected Delivery status message feeds back to Lionbridge Connector platform via API.
151044 Geta Category - Support has been added for translation of Geta Category plugin categories.
161195 Asset Log Enhancement - Asset logs now:
  • Grouped Asset Logs per language per job.
  • Separate tabbed clear view for Sent Content, Imported Content & Published Content with details of what content processed successfully or failed.
  • Filterable on Language, Error Type & Status.
154250 Publish Option - The Publish option can now be set/updated at anytime before the job is Published rather than at submission. The default value is now set at "Publish if source is not Published"
156536 Deleted CMS content - The Translation job can still be Imported & Published if some CMS content is deleted while job is in translation.
156522 Translation Job settings - The following Job settings have been moved to the Settings tab to make the UI cleaner.
  • CMS Project
  • Auto Import
  • Scheduled publish date
  • Scheduled publish
  • Job Id
  • Translation services status
  • Log
164400 Ignore Errors at Import - An optional feature to allow the connector to ignore errors when Importing to allow the Publishing of imported assets.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
159976 XhtmlString - Fixed issue where XhtmlString type were failing to Import.
154251 Publish Option - Fixed the Publish Option to allow assets to be set to "Publish if source is not Published"
156412 Import status message duplicated - Fixed issue where Approved messaged sent via API for all languages instead of for the Import language only.
155387 Unmapped Languages - Fixed issue where languages not mapped in connector setting could not be Import.
154293 Import failed status - If the Import fails a Rejected message is sent via API to Lionbridge logs and details show in the Connector Asset Logs.
151509 Unrecognised Deliveries - The Connector will not process status messages or deliveries for Jobs that it does not recognise or did not initiate.
151501 Compatibility update - The Connector is now compatible with Optimizely versions 11.13 & 11.14.2.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
149250 Support for Quote feature - Users can now mark jobs with Quote Required selected at submission.
  • This tag passes through the API into Lionbridge Language Cloud workflows to process accordingly.
149362 Scheduled Publishing enhancement - The Connector now supports Scheduled Publishing at a language level in addition to at a Job level:
  • When any language is Imported - Publishing can be scheduled as each language is Imported.
  • When all language are Imported - Publishing can be scheduled when the final language in a Job is Imported.
145850 Content Selection option enhancement - The Connector now supports more options selecting Pages & Blocks for translation:
In Page view dropdown:
  • Include nested pages and blocks - If you select a Page, then all Nested pages and blocks will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Include blocks - If you select a Page, then included blocks on that page will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Exclude nested pages and blocks - If you select a Page, then only the selected page is included.
In Block view check box:
  • Include nested pages and blocks checked - If you select a Block , then all Nested pages and blocks will be included (max 7 levels).
  • Include nested pages and blocks un-checked - If you select a Block , then only that block is included.
145853 Enhanced DXP logging - Connector log messages on DXP are now tagged with 'Lionbridge Information'
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
145852 Payload optimization - unrequired information removed from exported xml files.
147353 Fixed inconsistent timestamps in the Asset Log view reports.
149371 Metadata 'Client' values passed via 'extendedMetadata' in Lionbridge Content API.
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
140438 New - Ability to clone content from another job from the Dashboard.
140440 New - Scheduled Publishing of a Job is now supported.
140442 New - Support for Optimizely Projects added.
140441 New - Ability to multi-select Archive or Remove Jobs from the Dashboard.
140443 New - Connector shows unique Asset ID when selecting content.
84232 New - Job ID now displays on the Dashboard.
140439 New - Configuration to make Job naming mandatory.
67785 New - Property Page Type added to the exported file.