Getting Started

The Lionbridge Connector for Drupal TMGMT is a plug-in to Drupal’s Translation Management Tool (TMGMT) module. Its functionality is displayed to the users as part of Drupal TMGMT. The Lionbridge Connector supports all browsers that Drupal TMGMT supports.

The Connector supports Drupal 8 and 9. The version of the Connector described in this document supports Drupal 8 and Drupal 9.

To get started with the Lionbridge Connector:
  1. Install and configure the TMGMT module, including adding the languages you require and configuring specific content types for translation. For detailed instructions, refer to the Drupal TMGMT documentation, at
  2. Download the package for the latest version of the Lionbridge Connector from the following link:
  3. In Drupal, select Modules from the menu and then click Install new module to install the Lionbridge Connector package you downloaded in the previous step.
  4. Add the Lionbridge Connector as a provider to Drupal. For detailed instructions, see Adding Lionbridge as a Provider in Drupal TMGMT.
  5. Enable multilingual support for content types on your website. For detailed instructions, see Enabling Multilingual Support for Content Types on your Site.
  6. Enable multilingual support for individual fields of each supported content type. For detailed instructions, see Enabling Multilingual Support for Individual Fields.

Note: By default, enabling multilingual support for content types automatically enables multilingual support for all the fields of that content type.