Sending Pages for Translation from Adobe Experience Manager Sidekick
Note: This section is only applicable for the users who are using AEM on-premise version older than AEM 6.4.
If you are using the Adobe Experience Manager Classic UI, you can send individual pages of content for translation directly from the Adobe Experience Manager Sidekick.
Tip: This method is ideal for ad-hoc translations or for sending small amounts of content for translation.
Note: If one or more paths are configured for your team profile, you can send only pages that are in those paths for translation.
To sending pages for translation from Sidekick:
Double-click a page to open it with Sidekick, which is a floating toolbar.
In Sidekick, click the Page tab
In the Page tab, scroll down and click the Translate Content option.

The Connector’s Sidekick translation request interface opens. One of four possible Sidekick user interfaces is displayed, depending on your company’s configuration: there are two single-page (simple) interfaces and two multiple-page (wizard) interfaces.
- Use the following table to determine which user interface is displayed for your company:
1 - Sidekick - Simple UI
You use this interface to submit content to the Translation Queue only.

- Enter the following information about the translation options:
Option |
Description |
Translation scope |
Determine the scope of the pages to send for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Current page:** The Connector sends the current page for translation. * **All sub pages:** The Connector sends all the sub-pages for translation. It does not send the current page. * **Current page and all sub pages:** The Connector sends the current page and all its sub-pages for translation. |
Source language |
Select the source language to send for translation. |
Target language(s) |
Select one or more target languages to send for translation. The list displays all the languages that are set up in Adobe Experience Manager for your team. |
- Click Submit to send the content to the Translation Queue.
A message box opens, confirming that the page or pages have been added to the queue.
- Click OK to close the message box.
After the content is in the Translation Queue, either:
You must access the Translation Queue and approve the pages you want to send out for translation. For detailed instructions, see Submitting Content for Translation from the Translation Queue.
Your company has schedules that automatically send out translation jobs from the Translation Queue. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
2 - Sidekick - Simple UI with Options
Sidekick - Simple UI with Options
You use this interface to submit content to the Translation Queue only.

- Enter the following information about the translation options:
Option |
Description |
Translation scope |
Determine the scope of the pages to send for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Current page:** The Connector sends the current page for translation. * **All sub pages:** The Connector sends all the sub-pages for translation. It does not send the current page. * **Current page and all sub pages:** The Connector sends the current page and all its sub-pages for translation. |
Source language |
Select the source language to send for translation. |
Target language(s) |
Select one or more target languages to send for translation. The list displays all the languages that are set up in Adobe Experience Manager for your team. |
Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy |
This option is relevant when the target pages are MSM (Multi Site Manager) live copy pages, which means that Adobe Experience Manager automatically updates a target page when the corresponding source page changes. It prevents the Connector from overwriting unique source content that already exists in the target pages.
This is useful when you are sending a page for translation that has been used in the past to push content to other pages, and includes target page content which has been changed, for example, regionalized. In this scenario you do not want to overwrite the regionalized content as the translation process occurs. Select this option when you do not want the Connector to overwrite components in the target pages that include regionalized content with the newly translated content.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector does not overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector does overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages.
**Recommendation:** Select this check box if you are using the live-copy feature. |
Translate Locked Content |
This option enables users to send out only content from locked components for translation.
* If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation only if it is from a locked component. * If this check box is cleared, users can send out content for translation whether or not it is from a locked component.
**Note:** Locked components have an inheritance relationship between a source Blueprint page and the connected live copy page. When sending content for translation using Sidekick, users can choose whether to send for translation the content from locked components, which is inherited from a Blueprint component. This is useful if, for example, the page has both global and regional information and you only want to translate (replace) the global content that is created via a Blueprint page. In this scenario, suppose that the regional content on the page is manually translated in house, and that it has not changed. You would not want to tamper with it. However, using the same scenario, the global content from head office has changed and needs translation. You would select this check box to separate the content and localize only the new, inherited content.
**Note about Blueprint pages:** If the **Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages** setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even if it is not selected. This occurs because only content from locked components are rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Unlock When Done |
This option automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns.
This option is relevant only when the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy is been selected. After translated content returns, it automatically unlocks a component, which breaks the MSM inheritance.
Warning: This breaks the inheritance between the component and its Blueprint page, so that it no longer inherits new content. However, you can use the CTCRestoreOriginalSync workflow to relock the component and recreate the inheritance. For details, see Relocking Unlocked Components.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector does not automatically unlock a component after translated content returns. |
Translate Non-Sync’d Components on this page |
This option enables users to send content for translation even if it is not synchronized. This means it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page, so it cannot be synchronized with it. This can happen if you are not using the MSM (Multi Site Manager) feature of Adobe Experience Manager, or if this is a page with regionalized content that does not inherit content from a Blueprint page.
* If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page. * If this check box is cleared, users cannot send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page.
**Important:** The Connector treats certain page properties (jcr:content , jcr:title , jcr:description ) as unlocked page properties. Therefore, if you want the Connector to send these page properties for translation, you must select this check box.
**Recommendation:** Select this check box if you are using either the live-copy or the language-copy features.
**Note about Blueprint pages:** If the **Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages** setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even when it is not. This occurs because only content from locked components is rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Use local TM |
This feature determines whether to check each component in the source version of the item for any content changes, and send only changed components out for translation. If a component was previously translated and it has not changed, then the Connector does not send it for translation again: Instead, it uses the stored translation. This feature reduces the quantity of content that the Connector sends to translation providers, which reduces your cost. However, it needs the Connector translation backup data, and it increases the Connector processing time before sending out the items for translation.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector checks whether content was already translated before sending it out for translation. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector sends out content for translation without checking whether it has already been translated. |
Note: Your company’s Connector configuration determines the default settings of these last five options. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
- Click Submit to send the content to the Translation Queue.
A message box opens, confirming that the page or pages have been added to the queue.
- Click OK to close the message box.
After the content is in the Translation Queue, either:
You must access the Translation Queue and approve the pages you want to send out for translation. For detailed instructions, see Submitting Content for Translation from the Translation Queue.
Your company has schedules that automatically send out translation jobs from the Translation Queue. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
3 - Sidekick - Wizard
You use this interface to submit content to the Translation Queue or directly for translation.

Note: Depending on your user permissions or your company configuration, you may not be able to send out content directly for translation.
- Enter the following information about the translation options:
Option |
Description |
Translation scope |
Determine the scope of the pages to send for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Current page:** The Connector sends the current page for translation. * **All sub pages:** The Connector sends all the sub-pages for translation. It does not send the current page. * **Current page and all sub pages:** The Connector sends the current page and all its sub-pages for translation. |
Source language |
Select the source language to send for translation. |
Target language(s) |
Select one or more target languages to send for translation. The list displays all the languages that are set up in Adobe Experience Manager for your team. |
- Click Next.
The second page of the wizard opens.

The following options are available:
Option |
Description |
Source language |
The source language you selected in the previous page of the wizard. Read-only. To change this value, click Back. |
Target languages |
The target languages, including the number of target languages, you selected in the previous page of the wizard. Read-only. To change this value, click Back. |
Deadline |
The requested translation deadline. This is the date when you expect the translated content to return. Click in the field and select a date in the calendar that opens. This information is sent to the translation provider as metadata of the translation package.
Recommendation: Discuss with your translation provider whether to use the information in this field. |
Page Path/Status |
This list displays the path and the name of all pages you are sending for translation. |
Queue Metadata |
You can select the Level-2 Queue Metadata analysis code for these content items. If you add these items to the Translation Queue, you can filter and sort items there by this analysis code.
Note: Available only when using the Content API Translation Connector for Lionbridge Freeway. Displayed only when the Use Analysis Codes as Queue Metadata check box is selected in the Freeway Config section of the Configuration page. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Submit Translation |
Indicate where to submit the specified pages for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Add to queue:** The Connector adds the specified pages to the Translation Queue. After the content is in the Translation Queue, either:
* You must access the Translation Queue and approve the pages you want to send out for translation. For detailed instructions, see Submitting Content for Translation from the Translation Queue. * Your company has schedules that automatically send out translation jobs from the Translation Queue. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
* **Send as a new job:** The Connector immediately sends out the specified pages for translation as a new translation job, according to your company’s routing rules and the options you specify below.
**Note:** This option is available only to users with permission to send pages directly out for translation. |
Reference Files |
You can send reference files (support assets) to your translation provider as part of a translation job. This provides helpful context for the translator.
For instructions on adding reference files in Adobe Experience Manager, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager documentation for uploading digital assets:
* version 6.2: * version 6.3: * version 6.4: * version 6.5:
**Note:** This feature is available only if the **Allow Reference Files for Translation Job** check box is selected in the **UI and Default Settings** section of the **Configuration** page. For detailed instructions, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
##### To add a reference file to the Connector:
1. Click the Search icon and navigate to the reference file or folder containing reference files. 2. Select the reference file or folder and click **OK**.
The path you selected is displayed in the text box below.
1. Repeat the previous steps for each reference file or folder containing reference files that you want to send to Freeway.
The Connector will send all files in the specified paths to Freeway.
**Note:** Displayed only if you select Lionbridge Freeway as the translation provider (LSP) in the **Choose LSP** field below. |
Job Name |
Your name for this translation job. This information is sent to your translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Job Description |
Your description for the translation job. This information is sent to your translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Notification Emails |
Enter one or more email addresses that will receive notification when the content leaves Adobe Experience Manager and when it returns to Adobe Experience Manager. Use a comma to separate multiple email addresses.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
In-country Reviewer |
Optional. This is generally the name of the localization reviewer, which is stored in the InCountryReviewer attribute in the XML sent to the translation provider. By default, this field is hidden.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Content Type |
You can tag the content in a translation job as a specific content type. Depending on your company’s configuration, the Content API Platform may send the content to a specific translation provider based on the content type. Select one of the following content types:
* Marketing * Technical * Legal
**Note:** You may see different content types if your company has configured custom content types.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the **Submit Translation** field, above. |
Choose LSP |
Select the translation provider for your translation job. Your Connector administrator specifies the default translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Special Instruction |
Any additional instructions for Freeway.
Note: Displayed only if the selected translation provider in the Choose LSP box, above, is the Lionbridge Freeway Type. |
Freeway Analysis Codes |
The Freeway analysis codes for the translation. Displayed only if:
* In the Choose LSP box, above, the selected provider is the Lionbridge Freeway Type. * The Connector is configured to display these fields.
You specify the analysis codes that are relevant to your content. Your Lionbridge setup determines which analysis codes are available for you to specify, and the values available for selection for each analysis code. For example, the Region, Department, and Priority analysis codes may be available for you to specify. |
- Click Submit to submit the specified pages either to the Translation Queue or directly to translation, as you indicated above.
- If you submitted the pages directly for translation, a message box opens, confirming that you want to send out the translation job. Click OK to proceed.
- The wizard page displays a green box in the Status column, indicating that the translation submission was successful.
- Click Close to close the wizard.
For information about the events that occur when the Connector sends out content for translation, see Sending Content for Translation.
Tip: You can monitor the translation progress from within the Connector. For detailed instructions, see Monitoring Translation Status and Jobs and Viewing Translated Content.
4 - Sidekick - Wizard with Options
You use this interface to submit content to the Translation Queue or directly for translation.

Note: Depending on your user permissions or your company configuration, you may not be able to send out content directly for translation.
- Enter the following information about the translation options:
Option |
Description |
Translation scope |
Determine the scope of the pages to send for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Current page:** The Connector sends the current page for translation. * **All sub pages:** The Connector sends all the sub-pages for translation. It does not send the current page. * **Current page and all sub pages:** The Connector sends the current page and all its sub-pages for translation. |
Source language |
Select the source language to send for translation. |
Target language(s) |
Select one or more target languages to send for translation. The list displays all the languages that are set up in Adobe Experience Manager for your team. |
Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy |
This option is relevant when the target pages are MSM (Multi Site Manager) live copy pages, which means that Adobe Experience Manager automatically updates a target page when the corresponding source page changes. It prevents the Connector from overwriting unique source content that already exists in the target pages.
This is useful when you are sending a page for translation that has been used in the past to push content to other pages, and includes target page content which has been changed, for example, regionalized. In this scenario you do not want to overwrite the regionalized content as the translation process occurs. Select this option when you do not want the Connector to overwrite components in the target pages that include regionalized content with the newly translated content.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector does not overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector does overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages.
**Recommendation:** Select this check box if you are using the live-copy feature. |
Translate Locked Content |
This option enables users to send out only content from locked components for translation.
* If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation only if it is from a locked component. * If this check box is cleared, users can send out content for translation whether or not it is from a locked component.
**Note:** Locked components have an inheritance relationship between a source Blueprint page and the connected live copy page. When sending content for translation using Sidekick, users can choose whether to send for translation the content from locked components, which is inherited from a Blueprint component. This is useful if, for example, the page has both global and regional information and you only want to translate (replace) the global content that is created via a Blueprint page. In this scenario, suppose that the regional content on the page is manually translated in house, and that it has not changed. You would not want to tamper with it. However, using the same scenario, the global content from head office has changed and needs translation. You would select this check box to separate the content and localize only the new, inherited content.
**Note about Blueprint pages:** If the **Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages** setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even if it is not selected. This occurs because only content from locked components are rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Unlock When Done |
This option automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns.
This option is relevant only when the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy is been selected. After translated content returns, it automatically unlocks a component, which breaks the MSM inheritance.
Warning: This breaks the inheritance between the component and its Blueprint page, so that it no longer inherits new content. However, you can use the CTCRestoreOriginalSync workflow to relock the component and recreate the inheritance. For details, see Relocking Unlocked Components.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector does not automatically unlock a component after translated content returns. |
Translate Non-Sync’d Components on this page |
This option enables users to send content for translation even if it is not synchronized. This means it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page, so it cannot be synchronized with it. This can happen if you are not using the MSM (Multi Site Manager) feature of Adobe Experience Manager, or if this is a page with regionalized content that does not inherit content from a Blueprint page.
* If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page. * If this check box is cleared, users cannot send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page.
**Important:** The Connector treats certain page properties (jcr:content , jcr:title , jcr:description ) as unlocked page properties. Therefore, if you want the Connector to send these page properties for translation, you must select this check box.
**Recommendation:** Select this check box if you are using either the live-copy or the language-copy features.
**Note about Blueprint pages**: If the **Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages** setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even when it is not. This occurs because only content from locked components is rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Use local TM |
This feature determines whether to check each component in the source version of the item for any content changes, and send only changed components out for translation. If a component was previously translated and it has not changed, then the Connector does not send it for translation again: Instead, it uses the stored translation. This feature reduces the quantity of content that the Connector sends to translation providers, which reduces your cost. However, it needs the Connector translation backup data, and it increases the Connector processing time before sending out the items for translation.
* If this check box is selected, the Connector checks whether content was already translated before sending it out for translation. * If this check box is cleared, the Connector sends out content for translation without checking whether it has already been translated. |
Note: Your company’s Connector configuration determines the default settings of these last five options. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
- Click Next.
The second page) of the wizard opens.

The following options are available:
Option |
Description |
Source language |
The source language you selected in the previous page of the wizard. Read-only. To change this value, click Back. |
Target languages |
The target languages, including the number of target languages, you selected in the previous page of the wizard. Read-only. To change this value, click Back. |
Deadline |
The requested translation deadline. This is the date when you expect the translated content to return. Click in the field and select a date in the calendar that opens. This information is sent to the translation provider as metadata of the translation package.
Recommendation: Discuss with your translation provider whether to use the information in this field. |
Page Path/Status |
This list displays the path and the name of all pages you are sending for translation. |
Queue Metadata |
You can select the Level-2 Queue Metadata analysis code for these content items. If you add these items to the Translation Queue, you can filter and sort items there by this analysis code.
Note: Available only when using the Content API Translation Connector for Lionbridge Freeway. Displayed only when the Use Analysis Codes as Queue Metadata check box is selected in the Freeway Config section of the Configuration page. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. |
Submit Translation |
Indicate where to submit the specified pages for translation. This is one of the following:
* **Add to queue:** The Connector adds the specified pages to the Translation Queue. After the content is in the Translation Queue, either:
* You must access the Translation Queue and approve the pages you want to send out for translation. For detailed instructions, see Submitting Content for Translation from the Translation Queue. * Your company has schedules that automatically send out translation jobs from the Translation Queue. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
* **Send as a new job:** The Connector immediately sends out the specified pages for translation as a new translation job, according to your company’s routing rules and the options you specify below.
**Note:** This option is available only to users with permission to send pages directly out for translation. |
Reference Files |
You can send reference files (support assets) to your translation provider as part of a translation job. This provides helpful context for the translator.
For instructions on adding reference files in Adobe Experience Manager, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager documentation for uploading digital assets:
* version 6.2: * version 6.3: * version 6.4: * version 6.5:
**Note:** This feature is available only if the **Allow Reference Files for Translation Job** check box is selected in the **UI and Default Settings** section of the **Configuration** page. For detailed instructions, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
##### To add a reference file to the Connector:
1. Click the Search icon and navigate to the reference file or folder containing reference files. 2. Select the reference file or folder and click **OK**.
The path you selected is displayed in the text box below.
1. Repeat the previous steps for each reference file or folder containing reference files that you want to send to Freeway.
The Connector will send all files in the specified paths to Freeway.
**Note:** Displayed only if you select Lionbridge Freeway as the translation provider (LSP) in the **Choose LSP** field below. |
Job Name |
Your name for this translation job. This information is sent to your translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Job Description |
Your description for the translation job. This information is sent to your translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Notification Emails |
Enter one or more email addresses that will receive notification when the content leaves Adobe Experience Manager and when it returns to Adobe Experience Manager. Use a comma to separate multiple email addresses.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
In-country Reviewer |
Optional. This is generally the name of the localization reviewer, which is stored in the InCountryReviewer attribute in the XML sent to the translation provider. By default, this field is hidden.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Content Type |
You can tag the content in a translation job as a specific content type. Depending on your company’s configuration, the Content API Platform may send the content to a specific translation provider based on the content type. Select one of the following content types:
* Marketing * Technical * Legal
**Note:** You may see different content types if your company has configured custom content types.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the **Submit Translation** field, above. |
Choose LSP |
Select the translation provider for your translation job. Your Connector administrator specifies the default translation provider.
Required and relevant only when Send as a new job is selected in the Submit Translation field, above. |
Special Instruction |
Any additional instructions for Freeway.
Note: Displayed only if the selected translation provider in the Choose LSP box, above, is the Lionbridge Freeway Type. |
Freeway Analysis Codes |
The Freeway analysis codes for the translation. Displayed only if:
* In the **Choose LSP** box, above, the selected provider is the Lionbridge Freeway Type. * The Connector is configured to display these fields.
You specify the analysis codes that are relevant to your content. Your Lionbridge setup determines which analysis codes are available for you to specify, and the values available for selection for each analysis code. For example, the Region, Department, and Priority analysis codes may be available for you to specify. |
- Click Submit to submit the specified pages either to the Translation Queue or directly to translation, as you indicated above.
- If you submitted the pages directly for translation, a message box opens, confirming that you want to send out the translation job. Click OK to proceed.
- The wizard page displays a green box in the Status column, indicating that the translation submission was successful.
- Click Close to close the wizard.
For information about the events that occur when the Connector sends out content for translation, see Sending Content for Translation.
Tip: You can monitor the translation progress from within the Connector. For detailed instructions, see Monitoring Translation Status and Jobs and Viewing Translated Content.