Translation Statuses

Content items have one of the following translation statuses:

Translation Status Description Percentage Translation Complete
Preparing The Connector is preparing to send out the item to the translation provider. 0%
Paused The Connector has prepared the item to send out to the translation provider, but it has been paused, either automatically, if configured to do so, or by clicking the Pause button in the Status tab of the Translation Status page. 0%
Sending The Connector is sending out the item to the translation provider. 1%
Sent out The Connector sent the item to the translation provider.

Note: This status is relevant only if a quote was not requested for the translation job.
Sent out for quote The Connector sent the item to the translation provider and requested a quote.

Note: This status is relevant only if a quote was requested for the translation job.
Sent to translator The Connector completed sending out the item to the translation provider.

Note: This status is relevant only if a quote was not requested for the translation job.
Sent to translator for quote The Connector completed sending out the item to the translation provider and requesting a quote.

Note: This status is relevant only if a quote was requested for the translation job.
In Translation The translation provider has received the item for translation and has not yet returned the translated item.

Note: Started translation process is displayed in the Job Details tab of the Translation Status page.
Received The Connector received the translated item back from the translation provider. This is displayed in green in the Job Details tab of the Translation Status page. 90%
Completed The Connector has returned the translated item to Adobe Experience Manager. This is displayed in green in the Job Details tab of the Translation Status page. 100%
No Translation Required There are no components to translate in the page. (The components may have been excluded from translation by your company’s configuration, or they may have been translated already, if the Use Local TM option is specified.) 100%