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Testing the Connector

After you complete the configuration, your Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager installation is ready for testing. We recommend sending only a few pages for translation in one language as an initial test. For detailed instructions, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide. Once successful, you can send as many languages as required.

Please coordinate with your translation provider for this test process.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Lionbridge Connector Support. For details, see How to Contact Lionbridge Connector Support.

From a testing perspective, do not treat the Connector as merely standalone software. It integrates into Adobe Experience Manager and your overall translation workflow. You must test the end-to-end process, from content creation to publishing, to ensure that the Connector is working as expected and configured to support your business needs.

In addition to following the guidelines below, you should also include any internal test or use cases that would normally be applied to any software that is deployed to Adobe Experience Manager. You must robustly test the Connector and the translation process against the (non-production) MT (machine translation) service. This saves time and project costs, because trying to solve issues during the production phase is costly and delays your translation timelines.

Recommendations: Complete your testing in a pre-production environment before deploying the Connector to your production environment. If you must perform testing in your production environment, you should create test content that can be deleted after completing the tests. The connector database translation memory must also be cleared in your production environment. For detailed instructions, contact Lionbridge Connector Support, as described in How to Contact Lionbridge Connector Support. Consider any changes in functionality, configuration, or customization between pre-production and production environments in this final test pass.

Testing the connector
  1. Verify that the Connector is configured to send all required content types for all required languages.
  2. Ensure that the Connector sends only translatable content for translation.
  3. Configure email notifications set and ensure that they are generated at the appropriate step in the translation workflow.
Integration with Adobe Experience Manager
  1. Ensure that the content authors how to interact with the Connector and send content to translation. For detailed instructions, refer them to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.
  2. Select a method of sending content to translation that aligns with how content authors work in Adobe Experience Manager.
  3. Ensure that the Connector users have the correct rights to access the Connector within Adobe Experience Manager.
Testing the translation workflow
  1. Ensure that the Connector translation workflow integrates with your overall strategy of managing source and translated content.
  2. Validate how the translated content will be reviewed during the translation process.
  3. Verify that the translation process integrates correctly with the publishing process.