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Configuring Connector Global Settings

  • To configure Connector global settings, click Admin Tools > Configuration in the Lionbridge Connector rail to open the Configuration page. For information on opening the Lionbridge Connector rail, see Configuring the Connector.

The configuration options are organized into the following sections:

Configuration Section Purpose
Server URL Specify the base URL that is used to generate a full page review URL.
Network Configuration Specify the network configuration details for proxy server implementations.
Translation Platform Enter the CAPI Client ID and CAPI Client Secret, which receives and routes content between the Connector and translation providers through CAPI.
Note: In general, you configure the license immediately after installation.
JDBC SQL Connection Configure the JDBC SQL connection to the Connector database.
Note: In general, you configure the database connection immediately after installation.
Freeway Config If Lionbridge Freeway is your translation provider, configure its credentials and Freeway-specific settings.
Folder and Permissions Configure the Connector data folder and its permissions.
Note: In general, you configure the Connector data folder immediately after installation.
> Note: This option is not applicable to the AEM Cloud Connector.
Translation Settings Configure translation-specific options.
In-Context Preview
Configure the settings for the In-Context Preview feature. This feature enables those without Adobe Experience Manager access (such as translators) to preview items in the XML files for translation as Adobe Experience Manager would render them.
Mail Server Settings Specify the email settings for notification emails that the Connector can send.
Log Service Specify the Connector log settings.
Agent Services Configure the settings for the ctcPrepareService and ctcUploadService services.
Encryption Keystore (Lionbridge Freeway and SDL TMS only) Specify the keystore location and password for content encryption and decryption.
UI and Default Settings Specify the default user interface settings that are displayed to users, and configure the Connector to support editing multiple versions of a source page concurrently.

Note: For the AEM Cloud Connector, Server URL, Network Configuration, JDBC SQL Connection, and Encryption Keystore are not applicable.

When you are done, you can perform the actions described below. The corresponding buttons are displayed at the bottom of the Configuration page:

  • To export all your configuration settings, from all configuration pages, click Export All Configurations. The Connector downloads the XML files as a single ZIP file. By default, these files are downloaded to the following location: AEM_QuickStart_Folder\CTC_Configs\Export. For a detailed description of the exported files and how to reimport them, see Automatically Updating Your Connector Configuration,

  • To export your configuration settings (excluding the translation options) as an XML file, click Export Configuration. The Connector downloads the file.

  • To export your translation options as an XML file, click Export Translation Options. The Connector downloads the file.

  • To update the Connector with changes to Adobe Experience Manager users or groups, click Reload Cache. This facilitates Connector access for newly added or modified users or groups.

  • To save your changes to the Configuration page, click Save Configuration.

1 - Server URL

The Server URL section of the Configuration page specifies the base URL that is used to generate a full page review URL.

Configuration Option Description
Server Base URL This is the base URL that is used to generate a full page review URL. For example, if the URL of the Adobe Experience Manager server is, then the full URL of page /content/www/product is in the file for translation.

2 - Network Configuration

The Network Configuration section of the Configuration page specifies the network configuration details for proxy server implementations.

Configuration Option Description
Use Proxy Server Indicates whether the Connector uses a proxy server. If this is No, the other settings in this section are not required.
Proxy Host The IP address or domain name for the proxy server.
Proxy Port The port number for the proxy server.
Need Authentication Indicates whether authentication is required to access the proxy server. If this is No, the remaining settings in this section are not required.
[Proxy Auth] User The user name for authentication to the proxy server.
[Proxy Auth] Password The password for authentication to the proxy server.
[Proxy Auth] Domain The domain for authentication to the proxy server.
  • To verify the network configuration and credentials for a proxy server, click the Test button. After testing, a message box indicates whether your configuration passed the test.

3 - Translation Platform

The Translation Platform section of the Configuration page contains the CAPI Client ID and CAPI Client Secrete, which receives and routes content between the Connector and translation providers through CAPI.

Configuration Option Description
License ID (Optional) For backward compatibility with the Lionbridge Clay-Tablet Platform; Enter the license ID from the License_ID.txt file in the package you downloaded. For details, see Downloading the Delivery Package.
CAPI Client ID Enter the CAPI (Content API) Client ID provided by the Connector’s Support team.
CAPI Client Secret Enter, or leave empty, the CAPI (Content API) Client Secret provided by the Connector’s Support team.
CAPI Base URL Enter the CAPI (Content API) Base URL provided by the Connector’s Support team. In the case of leaving it empty, the connector will automatically identify the correct value.

4 - JDBC SQL Connection

Note: This section is not applicable to the AEM Cloud Connector.

The JDBC SQL Connection section of the Configuration page configures the JDBC SQL connection to the Connector database.

The options in this section configure the JDBC SQL connection to the Connector database. The Connector supports the MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL databases.

Important: Every Adobe Experience Manager server with the Connector installed needs its own Connector database. Mirrored or load-balanced servers can point to the same Connector database.

Configuration Option Description
JDBC SQL Driver class Enter the appropriate configuration parameter for your database implementation:
  • For Microsoft SQL Server, enter:
  • For MySql, enter: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
  • For Oracle, enter: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.
  • For PostgreSQL, enter: org.postgresql.Driver.
JDBC Connection URL Enter the appropriate configuration parameter for your database implementation:
  • For Microsoft SQL Server, the URL should look like:
  • For MySQL Server, the URL should look like:
  • For Oracle, the URL should look like:
  • - For PostgreSQL, the URL should look like:
    - jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ctctranslation?charSet=utf-8 if SSL is not required
    - jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ctctranslation?charSet=utf-8&ssl=true if SSL is required

  • Note: You can use the DNS name or IP address of the server where the PostgreSQL database resides.
    Login name The name for logging in to the SQL database.
    Login password The password for logging in to the SQL database.

    General notes: In the examples above, is the IP address of the database server. Alternatively, you can enter the domain name of the database server.

    Notes for MySQL users: Ensure that characterEncoding=UTF-8 is configured for MySQL. 3306 is the default port of MySQL Server. If your database server uses a different port, change the port number in the example to match your port number.

    Note for Microsoft SQL Server users:

    • 1433 is the default port of the Microsoft SQL Server. If your database server uses a different port, change the port number in the example to match your port number.

    • The Connector versions 4.0.3 and higher do not support Microsoft SQLServer 2008 and 2008 R2 versions.

    Note for Oracle users: 1521 is the default port of the Oracle DB Server. If your database server uses a different port, change the port number in the example to match your port number.

    • To verify the JDBC connection and credentials, click the Test button. After testing, a message box indicates whether your configuration passed the test. This message box also displays a list of all Adobe Experience Manager instances that access this Connector database, and when the database was last accessed, which facilitate troubleshooting.
    Upgrading the database while upgrading your version of the Connector

    If upgrading the database fails while upgrading your version of the Connector, the Errors and SQL Scripts buttons are displayed:

    • Click Errors to view the related error messages.

    • Click SQL Scripts to download the generated SQL scripts. A DBA can then run the scripts.

    5 - Freeway Config

    If Lionbridge Freeway is your translation provider, the Freeway Config section of the Configuration page configures its credentials and Freeway-specific settings.

    Note: This section is displayed and relevant only if you are using the Connector’s add-on for Lionbridge Freeway.

    Configuration Option Description
    Freeway Auth URL The URL where Lionbridge Freeway provides the authentication service. This is
    Freeway Service URL The URL where Lionbridge Freeway provides the analysis code service. This is
    Login Name The login name for the Freeway server.
    Login Password The login password for the Freeway server.
    Test Click this to test the Freeway login credentials, above. After testing, a message box indicates whether the credentials passed the test.
    Freeway Analysis Codes Each check box indicates whether to display the corresponding analysis-code field to users when they send out content for translation to Lionbridge Freeway.
    • Require Value 1: If this check box is selected, the first analysis code configured for your company (for example, region) must be displayed to users when sending content to Freeway.
    • Require Value 2: If this check box is selected, the second analysis code configured for your company (for example, department) must be displayed to users when sending content to Freeway.
    • Require Value 3: If this check box is selected, the third analysis code configured for your company (for example, priority) must be displayed to users when sending content to Freeway.

    Warning: This configuration is required for full integration between the Connector and Freeway. Otherwise, the Connector cannot retrieve and display analysis code options, and the user cannot specify analysis codes for projects submitted to Freeway. However, even without this configuration, the Connector can still send submitted content to Freeway.
    Use Analysis Codes as Queue Metadata Indicates whether to use only Level-2 queue metadata as analysis codes. Select this check box to display the following user interfaces:
    • The Options page of the Bulk Translation wizard includes the Queue Metadata dropdown list, where users can select the Queue Metadata analysis code for content items.
    • The Translation Queue includes the Metadata dropdown list, for filtering content items by the Level-2 queue metadata analysis code. and the Metadata column heading, for indicating the analysis code for an item displayed in the Queue.
    • The Re-send translation job dialog box includes the Queue Metadata dropdown list, where users can select the Queue Metadata analysis code for content items.
    • The Sidekick wizard includes the Queue Metadata dropdown list, where users can select the Queue Metadata analysis code for content items.
    Include instructions in content Indicates whether the Connector sends the content of the Special Instruction field to Freeway as content in the XML translation files.
    Include instructions in metadata Indicates whether the Connector sends the content of the Special Instruction field to Freeway as metadata.
    Summarize notes in instructions Indicates whether the Connector merges any notes about individual content files into the instructions it sends to Freeway.
    Note: If you select this check box, you must select either or both of the Include instructions in content and Include instructions in metadata check boxes. Otherwise, the content will not be delivered to Freeway.

    6 - Folder and Permissions

    Note: This section is not applicable to the AEM Cloud Connector.

    The Folder and Permissions section of the Configuration page configures the Connector data folder and its permissions.

    Configuration Option Description
    [Translation User] Server Group ID Select the ID of the Adobe server group whose members can submit content from the Bulk Translation wizard only to the Translation Queue. The members cannot send out content directly for translation or submit content from Sidekick.
    [Translation Submit] Server Group ID Select the ID of the Adobe server group whose members can submit translation jobs from the Bulk Translation wizard or Sidekick to the Translation Queue and send out content directly for translation.
    [Translation Admin] Server Group ID Select the ID of the Adobe server group whose members can send out jobs for translation, configure the Connector, and remove completed translation jobs and statuses.
    Display all jobs and Delete button for non-admin users To display the Delete button and all jobs in the Status tab of the Translation Status page to users who are not members of the Translation Admin group, select this check box.
    Note: If you do not select this check box, then only users who are members of the Translation Admin group can access the Delete button and view all jobs.
    [Job Quote] Can be approved/rejected by Select the user group whose members can approve or reject translation job quotes.
    Data Folder (Optional) Optional. This is the path to the folder you created, where Connector will store translation data. For details, see Creating the Connector Folders.
    1. For Microsoft Windows, the path must end with , for example, c:\ctcdata.
    2. For UNIX, including Linux, or Mac, the path must end with /, for example, /usr/share/ctcdata/.

    Note: The files/update subfolder should have full access permissions for Java processes.
    • To verify that this path is correct, click the Test button. After testing, a message box indicates whether your configuration passed the test.
      > Note: This feature is not applicable to the AEM Cloud Connector.
    Logs To save the log files in the logs sub-folder of the folder specified in the Data Folder (Optional) field, select this check box.
    Note: If you do not select this check box, the log files are saved in crx-quickstart/logs.

    7 - Translation Settings

    The Translation Settings section of the Configuration page configures translation-specific options.

    Configuration Option Description
    Project Identifier The project name, as it will be displayed in the Translation Status page. If you leave this field blank, the project name is concatenated with the username and the date and time stamps in translation projects your company submits for translation.
    Recommendation: Enter your company name as the project identifier.
    MAX # pages per File This setting determines the maximum number of Adobe Experience Manager pages that the Connector packs into a single XML file for translation. You can adjust the number to better suit your translation requirements.
    Note: Translation providers translate an entire XML file before returning it. Therefore, it takes more time to translate an XML file with more pages packed into it than an XML file with fewer pages packed into it. Specifying a lower maximum number of pages per file generally results in a faster turnaround time.
    The default value is 100, which means the Connector will package content from 100 Adobe Experience Manager pages into a single XML file.
    Recommendation: Discuss this with your translation provider.
    Submit user name and email as job metadata This setting determines whether the Connector includes or excludes a submitter’s username and email address when submitting a job for translation. By default, this check box is not selected, which means the Connector excludes a submitter’s username and email address when submitting a job for translation. This feature supports the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
    Catch Rollout Pages to [Rollout] Queue Select this check box to enable users to send content to the Translation Queue when using Adobe Experience Manager’s MSM Rollout functionality.
    If this check box is selected, when users roll out pages, the Connector automatically sends content to the Translation Queue.
    Note: Alternatively, you can use the CTCRolloutTranslation workflow to enable this functionality. For details, see Viewing the Rollout Workflow. For information about when to use which configuration method, see Configuring the Rollout Feature.
    Catch Published Workflow Pages to Queue Select this check box to automatically catch pages published by a workflow and send them to the Translation Queue.
    Note: This requires adding the Add Published Page to Translation Queue step to your workflow. To do this, you add the Type: Process step, Process: com.claytablet.cq5.ctctranslation.workflow.PublishCTCQueueProcess workflow step to your workflow, and then you use this workflow to publish, instead of using Adobe Experience Manager’s built-in publish feature. For detailed instructions, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager documentation, at
    Note about settings for this feature: You configure the source and target languages and the translation settings for this feature in the Configuration for Catching Published Pages to Queue section of the Advanced Settings page. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Translation Settings for Catching Pages to the Translation Queue.
    Catch Pages from Publish Event to Queue Select this check box to automatically listen to publish events and add published pages to the Translation Queue.
    Note: To display this option, you must create the ShowCatchPublishEventPageToQueueInCTConfig property in /etc/ctctranslation/ctcconfig. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Catching Pages from Publish Events to the Translation Queue.
    Note about settings for this feature: You configure the source and target languages and the translation settings for this feature in the Configuration for Catching Published Pages to Queue section of the Advanced Settings page. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Translation Settings for Catching Pages to the Translation Queue.
    Remove Control Characters Some control characters, such as 0X10 and 0X13, will cause an XML file to be invalid. However, some translation providers and translation management systems may not be able to handle control characters. This option instructs the Connector to automatically remove all control (non-printing) characters (0x00-0x1F) from an XML file before sending it out for translation.
    Translate Page Annotations This setting determines whether the Connector sends out page annotations for translation.
    • If this check box is selected, the Connector sends out page annotations for translation.
    • If this check box is not selected, the Connector does not send out page annotations for translation.

    For information about annotations, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager documentation, at:
    Translate Dependent CF This setting determines whether the Connector sends out for translation Content Fragments that are referenced in pages, Experience Fragments, and adaptive forms.
    • If this check box is selected, the Connector sends out for translation Content Fragments that are referenced in pages, Experience Fragments, and adaptive forms.
    • If this check box is not selected, the Connector does not send out for translation Content Fragments that are referenced in pages, Experience Fragments, and adaptive forms.
    Save Translation to Local TM This setting determines whether the translated content is stored at a property level in the local TM (translation memory). You can view these properties in CRXDE Lite.
    • If this check box is selected, the translated content is stored at a property level in the local TM.
    • If this check box is not selected, the translated content is not stored at a property level in the local TM.
    Language Conversion (URL Reference) For fields in Adobe Experience Manager pages that contain only internal URLs to sites hosted on the same Adobe Experience Manager instance, the Connector can automatically find the referring target URL and exclude this field from the page translation process.
    • Select this check box if the entire field is a URL reference, for example, /content/www/en/us/products, in a field of a page that will be translated to French, and there is no <a> link tag. In this scenario, the Connector treats this field as a URL reference field, and it does not send out this field for translation. It automatically converts the URL to /content/www/fr/fr/products for the French version of the content.
    • Clear this check box if you want the Connector to send out this field for translation.

    Note: If the sites use different language structures, for example, one site uses en and the other uses en-US, you must configure the languages using the Group, Base CRX Path, and Reference CRX Path columns in the Language Mapping page. For details, see Configuring Connector Languages.
    Language Conversion (Content Link) For fields in Adobe Experience Manager pages that contain internal links to sites hosted on the same Adobe Experience Manager instance, the Connector can automatically convert these internal links to point to the corresponding pages in the target language.
    • Select this check box to convert the link to the corresponding target page. For example, if you are translating English to French, a link that was previously to another English page will now point at the corresponding French page.
    • Clear this check box to maintain the link to the page in the source language. For example, if you are translating English to French, a link that was previously to another English page will still point at the original English page.

    Note: If the sites use different language structures, for example, one site uses en and the other uses en-US, you must configure the languages using the Group, Base CRX Path, and Reference CRX Path columns in the Language Mapping page. For details, see Configuring Connector Languages.
    Language Conversion option - Select this check box to convert the URL references and the content links in a page to the corresponding target language even if the target folder does not exist. In this case, the URL references and the content links point to the Target language after a successful translation in the corresponding target page.
      Clear this check box if you do not want the language conversion for the URL references and content links in a page to target language. In this case, even after the successful translation in the corresponding target page, the URL references and content links point to source language.
    Send translation events Select this check box to prevent or enable writing Connector translation events to OSGi events. These events occur when a page translation status changes. By default, this check box is cleared, so that these events are not written to OSGi events.
    “Send-Out” Notification Select this check box if you want the Connector to send an email notification when it sends out a page for translation.
    Email addresses for receiving “Send-Out” Notification Comma-separated email addresses that will receive notification emails when the Connector sends out a page for translation.
    “Completed” Notification Select this check box if you want the Connector to send an email notification when a page translation has been completed.
    Email addresses for receiving “Completed” Notification Comma -separated email addresses that will receive notification emails when a page translation has been completed.

    Note about email notifications: The above settings are global, so the Connector will send email notifications to these addresses for all translation projects. In the Connector, users can also add email notifications on a project basis. For details, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.

    Note: The Catch Rollout Pages to [Rollout] Queue configuration option is not available for AEM cloud connector.

    8 - Email Notifications for Stuck Jobs

    The connector can be configured to send a stuck job notification when a job is sent for translation.

    To configure the stuck job notification:

    1. Set the CAPI Job creation time + Delay Threshold hours = Time to send email.
    2. Set Delay threshold hours on Configuration page.
    3. Send a job that will be stuck at ‘sent out’ or ‘In translation’ status.
    4. When job is stuck at ‘sent out’ or ‘In translation’ status, wait for email.

    9 - In-Context Preview

    The In-Context Preview (ICP) section of the Configuration page specifies the settings for the In-Context Preview feature. This feature enables those without Adobe Experience Manager access (such as translators) to preview items as Adobe Experience Manager would render them.

    Note: This feature requires pre-configuration steps to be completed by Lionbridge. Please reach out to before filling out any of these settings.

    Configuration Option Description Sample Value
    External Preview URL (for source) The URL that enables translators or external reviewers to preview the source item on the Connector Preview server. For instructions on configuring this setting, contact Lionbridge Connector Support, as described in How to Contact Lionbridge Connector Support. https://ct-preview-server-url?chunk={chunkid}&lang={lang}
    External Preview URL (for target) The URL that enables translators or external reviewers to preview the target item the Connector Preview server. For instructions on configuring this setting, contact Lionbridge Connector Support, as described in How to Contact Lionbridge Connector Support. https://ct-preview-server-url?chunk={chunkid}&lang={targetlang}

    You can use the following parameters listed in the table below to configure the URLs described above:

    Parameter Description
    {lang} The source language of the Adobe Experience Manager item sent for translation.
    {targetlang} The target language of the translated Adobe Experience Manager item.
    {chunkid} The globally unique ID generated by the Connector, which identifies each translatable field (chunk) in the XML file generated by the Connector.

    10 - Automatic Cleanup Translation Jobs

    You can set the Delete all completed jobs older than value as shown in the follwoing figure.

    The translation jobs older than set numbers of days are deleted.


    • The number of days are not calculated by exactly 24 hours but by the total number of days. For example, if you set value as 2 days and send a job today, then the job will be deleted after end of second day that is after 12 am beginning of the third day once the two days are complete.
    • There is no limit for maximum number of days.

    11 - Mail Server Settings

    The Mail Server Settings section of the Configuration page specifies the mail-server settings for notification emails that the Connector can send.

    The following figure shows the Mail Server Settings option in the AEM Cloud version:

    Note: If the Use SendGrid Mail Service checkbox is not checked, Use Experience Mail Service option is selected by default.

    This section is required if you configured the Connector to send notification emails. For details, see Translation Settings.

    Configuration Option Description
    Use Experience Manager Mail Service You can use either Day CQ Mail Service’s email notification settings or the Connector’s own settings to send email notifications from the Connector.
    - To configure the Connector to use Day CQ Mail Service’s email notification settings, select this check box, and leave the remaining settings in this section blank. For instructions on configuring Day CQ Mail Service’s email notification, refer to
    Note: The Connector uses only the Day CQ Mail Service. The other settings described on the Adobe Experience Manager page are not relevant.
    - To configure the Connector to use its own email notification settings, clear this check box, and populate the rest of the settings in this section, as described below.
    Note: The following settings are relevant only if the Use Experience Manager Mail Service check box, described above, is cleared.
    SMTP Host The IP address or domain name of your SMTP server.
    SMTP Port The port used by your SMTP service.
    Need Authentication Indicates whether the SMTP server needs authentication. If necessary, contact your network administrator for this information.
    [SMTP Auth] User The login name or account if your SMTP server needs authentication.
    [SMTP Auth] Password The password to log in to your SMTP server if it needs authentication.
    SMTP STARTTLS Indicates whether your SMTP server supports the StartTLS protocol. If necessary, contact your network administrator for this information.
    Notification email from The email address from which Connector notification emails will be sent. If this is not specified, the default email address is
    • To verify the email settings, click the Test button. After testing, a message box indicates whether your configuration passed the test.

    • The SMTP server settings are only avaiable for AEM on-premise version. For AEM cloud version, you can use SendGrid mail service on AEM cloud. User must aquire the SendGrid API key to fill in the SendGrid API key field of Mail Server Settings box.

    12 - Automatic Split Job to Reduce Memory Usage and Improve Performance

    Note: This section is only applicable for AEM cloud connector.

    The automatic split job setting splits the job with more than configured number of items to multiple jobs.

    13 - Log Service

    The Log Service section of the Configuration page specifies Connector log settings.

    Configuration Option Description
    Log Level There are three levels of logging: Info, Debug, and Trace.
    Recommendation: Initially set the log level to Debug, since this level of logging has all the details of the Connector translation process. This level of detail is required for Lionbridge Connector Support to assist you with any implementation issues. After the end-to-end translation process is running smoothly, you can change this to Info, so that only warnings and errors are logged.
    Log Archive (Days) By default, the Connector maintains 15 days of logs.

    14 - Agent Services

    The Agent Services section of the Configuration page configures the settings for the ctcPrepareService and ctcUploadService services.

    Configuration Option Description
    Speed You can choose a level from 1 to 20 to adjust the load of the ctcPrepareService and ctcUploadService agent services present to your servers. Setting 1 is very fast and therefore more resource intensive. The default value is 1 (fastest). Based on Connector testing, this setting will push CPU usage to 60% on average. You can monitor your server performance, and if the Connector uses too many server resources, you may need to adjust the speed level.
    Note: This speed setting affects all Connector agent services.
    Multiple Threads This is the maximum number of threads that the Connector can use for the JDBC pool, and to concurrently prepare, send, download, and return translations to Adobe Experience Manager. It is between 1 and 20.

    15 - Encryption Keystore (Lionbridge Freeway and SDL TMS only)

    The Encryption Keystore section of the Configuration page configures the settings for the keystore that is used to encrypt and decrypt content for translation and translated content.

    Note about the encryption framework: This is Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). This is an officially released Standard Extension to the Java Platform, which is described here: For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.

    Note about the keytool utility: This is Java’s keytool – Key and Certificate Management Tool, which is described here: For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.

    Configuration Option Description
    Path The file path of the encryption keystore.
    Password The keystore password.
    • To verify the keystore password, click the Test button. After testing, a message box indicates whether the password passed the test.

    16 - UI and Default Settings

    The UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page specifies the default user interface settings that are displayed to users.

    Configuration Option Description
    Translation on Sidekick This setting determines the user interface displayed when clicking Translate Content on the Page tab of the Sidekick. Some companies prefer a simplified process where users cannot choose advanced translation options, while others prefer to empower their content editors to set various parameters each time they send out content. For instance contributors can choose to ensure source content is not overwritten during the translation process, as it pertains to MSM rollout processes. The following options are available:

    - Simple UI: Users can submit content to the Translation Queue. All options are displayed in a single dialog box. Advanced translation options are not displayed.

    - Simple UI with all options: Users can submit content to the Translation Queue. All options are displayed in a single dialog box. Advanced translation options are displayed.

    - Wizard: Users can either submit content to the Translation Queue or send content out for translation. Options are displayed in a two-page wizard. Advanced translation options are not displayed. This is the default setting.

    - Wizard with all options: Users can either submit content to the Translation Queue or send content out for translation. Options are displayed in a two-page wizard. Advanced translation options are displayed. This is the default setting.
    For more information about these options, including screen captures of the user interfaces displayed in Sidekick, see Sidekick Options.
    Show options on Bulk UI This setting determines whether to display the Options page in the Bulk Translation wizard. The Options page enables users to change the following options:
    - Use Local TM
    - Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy
    - Only translate content from locked components
    - Unlock the component after translated content come back
    - Allow translate content from Not-Sync’d components
    - Translate Page Content
    - Translate Metadata
    These options are individually configurable, and they are described in the Translation Default Settings section, below.
    Show options on Touch UI This setting determines whether to display the Options tab in the Translate Content page, which opens from Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch-Optimized UI. The Options tab enables users to change the following options:
    - Use Local TM
    - Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy
    - Only translate content from locked components
    - Unlock the component after translated content come back
    - Allow translate content from Not-Sync’d components
    - Translate Page Content
    - Translate Metadata
    These options are individually configurable, and they are described in the Translation Default Settings section, below.

    Note: This is displayed only in Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.3 and higher, and it is relevant only for those versions.
    Indicate SEO field in translation file You can include SEO flags in XML translation files to indicate page field and property translations that must be Search Engine Optimized (SEO). Select the method for including this information in the file:

    - Yes, use attribute: The Connector adds the SEO_Flag attribute to PropertyContent in the XML file. For example:

    <PropertyContent IsMultipleValue=“No”
    SEO_Flag=“This is a SEO field” <=== this text “This is a SEO field” is configurated in Metadata config>

    - Yes, add extra line: The Connector adds a extra PropertyContent to the XML file to indicate that the next field is an SEO field:

    <PropertyContent IsMultipleValue=“No”
    The next field is a SEO field <=== this text “The next field is a SEO field” is configurated in Metadata config

    <PropertyContent IsMultipleValue=“No”

    If you select No (the default value), then the Connector does not include SEO flags in the XML translation files.

    Important: If you specify this setting, you must specify which SEO flags to include in the Page Metadata Configuration section of the Advanced Settings page. For details, see Configuring which Page Metadata is Available for Copying and Translation.
    Allow Reference Files for Translation Job Select this check box to enable users to attach references files (support assets) when sending out a translation job. This determines whether the Reference Files feature is available in the Translation Queue, Bulk Translation Wizard, Globalization Tool, and the Sidekick wizard.
    Translate Asset Metadata Select this check box to enable users to send out properties of digital-asset metadata properties for translation. For more information about this feature, see Configuring Translation Settings for Digital Assets.

    Important: You must configure the asset properties to send for translation in the Component Mapping page, in the same way that you configure other component. After you click Collect for an asset to add it to the component list, you must click Set for all components to send all components with a specific property for translation. For detailed instructions, see Configuring which Components and Properties to Send Out for Translation
    Translate Asset Binary Select this check box to enable users to send out digital assets for translation, for example, actual JPG or PDF files. For more information about this feature, see Configuring Translation Settings for Digital Assets.

    Tip: In the Exceptions text field, you can prevent assets with specific file-type extensions or asset paths from being sent out for translation. Separate each file type or path with a comma ( , ), for example: gif,jpg,png,perform.ppt,/products/docs/guide.pdf You can use the exclamation mark ( ! ) wild-card character as a prefix for file names to exclude, for example: !NeedTrans.pdf.

    Note: When the Connector sends the actual asset for translation, it sends the original rendition. There may be multiple renditions of an asset, for example, there may be multiple versions of an image with different resolutions, such as for Web and print. For more information, refer to “Managing Renditions” in the Adobe Experience Manager documentation, at:
    Show Globalization Tool Select this check box to display the Globalization Tool menu item in the Lionbridge Connector rail and the corresponding Globalization Tool. You can use the Globalization Tool to perform actions on multiple pages simultaneously. For a detailed description of this feature, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.
    Use user session in page search This setting determines whether the Connector uses Adobe Experience Manager’s built-in permission settings so that a user can access only part of the content repository.
    - To use Adobe Experience Manager’s built-in permission settings, select this check box.
    - To ignore Adobe Experience Manager’s built-in permission settings, clear this check box (default value). By default, a user can access all content.

    Tip: You can also limit a user’s access by using team profiles. For details, see Configuring Team Profiles.
    Pause job before sending This setting determines whether the Connector automatically pauses a job before sending it out for translation, after Preparing status (0%) but before Sending status (1%). This is useful if you want to review or export reports of content items, or download the XML files before sending them out for translation. You can resume a paused job in the Translation Status page.
    - To configure the Connector to automatically pause jobs before sending them out, select this check box.
    - To prevent the Connector from automatically pausing jobs before sending them out, clear this check box (default value).

    Note: You can also configure this setting using the PauseBeforeSend property in CRXDE Lite. For details, see Configuring All Jobs to Pause.
    Only Translation Admin can pause jobs This setting determines who can use the pause button in the Translation Status page. You can pause a job before sending it out for translation, after Preparing status (0%) but before Sending status (1%). This is useful if you want to review or export reports about XML files with content items, or download the XML files before sending them out for translation.
    - To display the pause button only for users assigned to the Translation Admin group, select this check box.
    -To display the pause button for all users, select this check box (default value).
    Disable default language mapping This setting disable Adobe Experience Manager’s default language mapping feature.
    - To disable Adobe Experience Manager’s default language mapping, select this check box.
    - To enable Adobe Experience Manager’s default language mapping, select this check box (default value).

    Note about adaptive forms: If you are sending out adaptive forms for translation, clear this check box to enable Adobe Experience Manager’s default language mapping. If you are using custom languages, then in the Language Mapping page, use the Identity column to link your custom languages to the corresponding default Adobe languages. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Connector Languages. This step is required because adaptive forms support only the locales defined in Adobe languages.
    Open linked pages in This setting configures whether the Connector opens page-path links in either Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch UI or its Classic UI. These page-path links are displayed in the following Connector interfaces:
    - Bulk Translation wizard
    - Translation Queue
    - Globalization Tool
    - Translation Status page, Job Details tab
    Status UI Default Settings This sub-section determines the default values for UI elements in the Translation Status page.
    Show jobs from past This setting determines the default date range for displaying translation jobs in the Translation Status page. A job’s date is its submission date. The supported values are:
    - 1 week
    - 2 weeks (default value)
    - 3 weeks
    - 1 month
    - 3 months
    - 1/2 year
    - 1 year

    Note: In the Translation Status page, the user can use the Period fields and date choosers to change the date range for displayed translation jobs.
    Show jobs submitted by This setting determine the default value of the Submitted By dropdown list in the Translation Status page. The supported values are:
    - Me: The page displays only the jobs submitted by the current user.
    - My team(s): The page displays the jobs submitted by all members of the current user’s team.

    Note: The user can change this selection in the Translation Status page.
    Translation Default Settings This sub-section determines the default settings of these options when they are displayed in the Bulk Translation wizard, the Translation Queue, the Translate Content page in the Touch-Optimized UI, and in the Sidekick. The Connector also uses these default translation options for catching rollout pages to the Translation Queue, if the Catch rollout pages to [Rollout] Queue check box is selected in the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page. For all these options:
    - If a check box is selected, then the default value of this option is selected.
    - If a check box is cleared, then the default value of this option is cleared.
    Note about the Catch rollout pages to [Rollout] Queue feature: If a check box is enabled, then the option is selected. This feature has no user interface for changing the value.
    Many of the options in this section are related to Adobe Experience Manager’s MSM (Multi Site Manager) and Rollout features. For a description of these features and related concepts, as well as integration with the Connector, see MSM and Rollout Settings.

    Note: Depending on your company’s configuration, users may not be able to change these values. For example, if the Show options on Bulk UI check box, described above, is not selected, then users cannot change these settings in the Bulk Translation wizard. In that case, this section determines the default value of these settings.
    Use Local TM This feature determines whether to check each component in the source version of the item for any content changes, and send only changed components out for translation. If a component was previously translated and it has not changed, then the Connector does not send it for translation again: Instead, it uses the stored translation. This feature reduces the quantity of content that the Connector sends to translation providers, which reduces your cost. However, it needs the Connector translation backup data, and it increases the Connector processing time before sending out the items for translation.
    - If this check box is selected, the Connector checks whether content was already translated before sending it out for translation.
    - If this check box is cleared, the Connector sends out content for translation without checking whether it has already been translated.
    Select if using Blueprint/
    This option is relevant when the target pages are MSM (Multi Site Manager) live copy pages, which means that Adobe Experience Manager automatically updates a target page when the corresponding source page changes. It prevents the Connector from overwriting unique source content that already exists in the target pages.

    This is useful when you are sending a page for translation that has been used in the past to push content to other pages, and includes target page content which has been changed, for example, regionalized. In this scenario you do not want to overwrite the regionalized content as the translation process occurs. Select this option when you do not want the Connector to overwrite components in the target pages that include regionalized content with the newly translated content.

    - If this check box is selected, the Connector does not overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages.
    - If this check box is cleared, the Connector does overwrite unique source content that already exists in the target pages.

    Recommendation: Select this check box if you are using the live-copy feature.
    Only translate content from locked components This option enables users to send out only content from locked components for translation.

    - If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation only if it is from a locked component.
    - If this check box is cleared, users can send out content for translation whether or not it is from a locked component.

    Note: Locked components have an inheritance relationship between a source Blueprint page and the connected live copy page. When sending content for translation using Sidekick, users can choose whether to send for translation the content from locked components, which is inherited from a Blueprint component. This is useful if, for example, the page has both global and regional information and you only want to translate (replace) the global content that is created via a Blueprint page. In this scenario, suppose that the regional content on the page is manually translated in house, and that it has not changed. You would not want to tamper with it. However, using the same scenario, the global content from head office has changed and needs translation. You would select this check box to separate the content and localize only the new, inherited content.

    Note about Blueprint pages: If the Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even if it is not selected. This occurs because only content from locked components are rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, see UI and Default Settings
    Unlock the component after translated content come back This option automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns.
    This option is relevant only when the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy is been selected. After translated content returns, it automatically unlocks a component, which breaks the MSM inheritance.

    Warning: This breaks the inheritance between the component and its Blueprint page, so that it no longer inherits new content. However, you can use the CTCRestoreOriginalSync workflow to relock the component and recreate the inheritance. For details, see Viewing the Restore Original Sync Workflow.
    - If this check box is selected, the Connector automatically unlocks a component after translated content returns.
    - If this check box is cleared, the Connector does not automatically unlock a component after translated content returns.
    Allow translated content from Not-Sync’d components This option enables users to send content for translation even if it is not synchronized. This means it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page, so it cannot be synchronized with it. This can happen if you are not using the MSM (Multi Site Manager) feature of Adobe Experience Manager, or if this is a page with regionalized content that does not inherit content from a Blueprint page.
    - If this check box is selected, users can send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page.
    - If this check box is cleared, users cannot send out content for translation if it does not have a relationship to a Blueprint page.

    Important: The Connector treats certain page properties (jcr:content, jcr:title, jcr:description) as unlocked page properties. Therefore, if you want the Connector to send these page properties for translation, you must select this check box.

    Recommendation: Select this check box if you are using either the live-copy or the language-copy features.

    Note about Blueprint pages: If the Pickup Content From Blueprint Pages setting is specified, then the Connector always acts as though this option is selected, even when it is not. This occurs because only content from locked components is rolled out from Blueprint pages to Livecopy pages. For more information, see Enabling Content Collection from Blueprint Pages.
    Translate Page Content Important: To send out words on pages for translation, you must select this option.

    The corresponding check box is displayed when sending out content for translation from:
    - the Bulk Translation wizard (only if Pages is selected in the Item Type page of the wizard)
    - the Translation tab of the Globalization Tool
    - the Translate Content page in Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch-Optimized UI (relevant only for Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.3 and higher)
    Translate Metadata This option enables users to send out for translation metadata fields that are defined in the Page Metadata Configuration section of the Advanced Settings page. For details, see Configuring which Page Metadata is Available for Copying and Translation. These are properties under the /jcr:content node. The corresponding check box is displayed when sending out content for translation from:
    - the Bulk Translation wizard (only if Pages is selected in the Item Type page of the wizard)
    - the Translation tab of the Globalization Tool
    - the Translate Content page in Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch-Optimized UI (relevant only for Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.3 and higher)
    Use Revisioning Selecting this check box enables the Target Page Revisioning feature, described above.
    - When this check box is cleared, the Connector ignores the values of the Remove Revisions on Completion and Restore Target Pages while under Translation check boxes, described below.
    - When this check box is selected, the Connector creates the following revisions of the target page during the translation process, and the job name is part of the revision name:
    - Before <job name>: The Connector creates this revision before modifying the page to send it out for translation. This is the original target content.
    - During <job name>: The Connector creates this revision after it sends out the job for translation. This is the source content for translation that the Connector copied to the target, to send out for translation.
    - Completed <job name>: The Connector creates this revision after the translated content returns from translation and the Connector imports it into Adobe Experience Manager. This is the target page that has been updated with translated content.
    Note: The page revision name is visible only in Adobe Experience Manager’s Classic UI. In Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch-Optimized UI, the revision is displayed without a name.
    Remove Revisions on Completion If you select this check box, then after the Connector imports the translated content into Adobe Experience Manager, it removes the Before <job name> and During <job name> revisions, described above. The Connector does not remove the Completed <job name> revision, because this is the target page that has been updated with translated content.
    Note: Relevant only if the Use Revisioning check box, described above, is selected. Otherwise, the Connector ignores this setting.
    Restore Target Pages while under Translation If you select this check box, then as soon as the Connector sends out content for translation, it restores the Before <job name> revision of the page. This revision contains the previously translated version of the page. If you do not select this check box, then the updated source content that has been sent out for translation is the current target content, which is the default Connector behavior.

    Important: Relevant only if the Use Revisioning check box, described above, is selected. Otherwise, the Connector ignores this setting.

    16.1 - Sidekick Options

    The following table describes the possible values for the Translation on Sidekick option in the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page. This page is described in UI and Default Settings.

    Translation on Sidekick Value Where User Can Submit Content User Interface Advanced Translation Options Available
    Simple UI Translation Queue only dialog box
    Simple UI with all options Translation Queue only dialog box
    Wizard Translation Queue or directly to translation two-page wizard
    Wizard with all options Translation Queue or directly to translation two-page wizard

    Screen captures of each option follow. For a detailed description of the translation interface within Sidekick, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager User Guide.

    Simple UI

    This option enables users to submit content to the Translation Queue. It does not display advanced translation options.

    Simple UI with options

    This option enables users to submit content to the Translation Queue. It displays advanced translation options.


    This option enables users to send content either to the Translation Queue or directly out for translation. It does not display advanced translation options. It is a two-page wizard.

    Note: You can configure whether by default the wizard sends content to the Translation Queue or directly out for translation. For details, see Configuring the default value of the Submit Translation dropdown list in the Sidekick wizard.

    Wizard with options

    This option enables users to send content either to the Translation Queue or directly out for translation. It displays advanced translation options. It is a two-page wizard.

    Note: You can configure whether by default the wizard sends content to the Translation Queue or directly out for translation. For details, see Configuring the default value of the Submit Translation dropdown list in the Sidekick wizard.

    Configuring the default value of the Submit Translation dropdown list in the Sidekick wizard

    You can configure the default value of the Submit Translation dropdown list in the Sidekick wizard.

    • To change the default from Add to queue to Send as a new job:
      a. In CRX, edit the /etc/ctctranslation/sidekickUI node.
      b. Add a new property named skOptionDefaultSubmitType, of type String, with value job.
      c. Save all.
      d. On the page with Sidekick, press Ctrl and F5 to delete the client-side cache.

      The default is now Send as a new job.

    • To hide the Add to queue value:
      a. In CRX, edit the /etc/ctctranslation/sidekickUI node.
      b. Add a new property named skOptionHideSubmitType, of type String, with value queue, which is a multi-value property.
      c. Save all.
      d. On the page with Sidekick, press Ctrl and F5 to delete the client-side cache.

      The Add to queue option is no longer displayed.

    16.2 - MSM and Rollout settings

    Adobe Experience Manager’s MSM and the Rollout Process

    Adobe Experience Manager includes the powerful Multi Site Manager (MSM), which facilitates managing multiple versions of web sites. The versions may be region specific, for example, a car company may have a different English version of its web site for each English-speaking country where it sells cars. Typically, one version of the site is considered the “source” site. Content in each target website may have different kinds of relationships to the version in the “source” site:

    • Some content may be common to all web sites, such as the car company’s history.
    • Some content may be a mix of common and specific. For example, the company may sell the same cars in many countries, but the cars may have slightly different features in some countries, depending on local regulations.
    • Some content may be specific to a specific version of the site, such as information about car dealerships in a particular country.

    Rollout is a process that propagates the changes made from the source (Blueprint) to the target (live copy). When you roll out a site, Adobe Experience Manager copies the Blueprint (source) to the live copy (target). If the components are locked, then whenever the source content changes, Adobe Experience Manager automatically updates the target content.

    The following Adobe Experience Manager concepts are helpful to understanding MSM and rollout, and how to configure and use the Connector accordingly:

    Concept Description
    Blueprint A source template for multiple pages, which can be rolled out.
    Live copy A copy of an existing page or Blueprint, which is the target. Adobe Experience Manager can automatically update the live copy when changes occur to the source.
    Important: If you use this feature, you must select the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy option. The Allow translate content from Not-Sync’d components setting is optional.
    Locked Specifies the inheritance relationship between the target and the source. When the source changes, Adobe Experience Manager automatically updates a locked component in the target. In the car company example, this is useful for pages that have the same content in all versions, such as information about the history of the company.
    Unlocked Specifies the inheritance relationship between the target and the source. When the source changes, Adobe Experience Manager does not update an unlocked component in the target. In the car company example, this is useful for regionalized pages that should not be updated, such as a list of local car dealerships.

    For more information about these features and the rollout process, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager user documentation, available at:

    Important: For instructions on configuring the Rollout feature, see Configuring the Rollout Feature.

    Why Integrate the Connector with Rollout

    The Connector extends the MSM functionality by adding the translation component to the rollout feature. This facilitates using rollout not only to manage multiple region-specific sites, but also to manage multiple language-specific sites. The following table describes the advantages of using the Connector with rollout:

    Using Rollout Not Using Rollout
    Process Roll out pages, which automatically sends them to the Translation Queue. - Roll out a same-language version.
    - Translate copied version.
    Number of steps One step. Two steps.
    link between source and content Source and target can be linked, so when source is updated, changes are automatically sent to the Translation Queue. No linkage between source and target.
    How the Connector Fits into MSM and Rollouts

    The Connector does not have its own user interface during rollout: when you roll out content, you use Adobe Experience Manager’s rollout interface. The Connector manages the translation during the rollout based on your company’s settings for the following options:

    • Only translate content from locked components
    • Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy
    • Unlock the component after translated content come back
    • Allow translated content from Not-Sync’d components