Disabling the Cache Service

The Connector’s cache service caches the current user’s settings, including:

  • user permissions

  • all the AEM groups to which the user belongs (since groups can be nested)

  • the available source and target languages

The cache service enables the Connector to obtain the user’s setting quickly, without querying Adobe Experience Manager each time, which is slower. By default, the Connector’s the cache service is enabled.

You can disable the Connector cache service by adding the usingCacheService Boolean property with the false value to the /etc/ctctranslation/debug node in CRXDE Lite. This forces the Connector to query Adobe Experience Manager each time for user settings.

To disable the Connector cache service:
  1. Do one of the following to open CRXDE Lite:

    • In the Touch-Optimized UI of Adobe Experience Manager, click Tools in the Adobe Experience Manager rail. Then, in the Navigation page, click CRXDE Lite.
    • In the Classic UI of Adobe Experience Manager, click CRXDE Lite in the right pane.
    • In your Web browser, navigate to /crx/de/index.jsp on your Adobe Experience Manager instance.

CRXDE Lite opens.

  1. In the Explorer pane on the left, navigate to /etc/ctctranslation/debug.

  2. Create the usingCacheService property in this node.

    a. In the Name field in the bottom of the right pane, enter usingCacheService.

    b. In the Type dropdown list in the bottom of the right pane, select boolean.

    c. In the Value field in the bottom of the right pane, enter false to disable the cache service.

Tip: Alternatively, to re-enable the cache service after disabling it, enter true.

d. Click Add .

  1. In the CRXDE Lite Menu, click Save All.

The usingCacheService property is displayed at the top of the pane.

The Connector will now use the specified setting to enable or disable the cache.